Los Blogs de Tejas – TPA Round-Up

The Texas Progressive Alliance hopes everyone had a nice time in El Paso as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff looks at recent trends in early and mail voting in Harris County.

SocraticGadfly offers up a trifecta of campaigns and elections-related pieces, starting with a Biden-Trump “duopoly” update, followed by third-party and indy candidate news, and capped with a roundup of three big international elections.

Neil at the Houston Democracy Project said Houstonian Brent Sullivan spoke to City Council about clear & present threats to democracy in Houston, but received no reply.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs. Your Local Epidemiologist discusses sunscreen and skin cancer. The Bloggess makes more progress in solving her art mystery. The Current imagines the classic movie Blazing Saddles in a modern context. The Dallas Observer reports on a mass closing of Alamo Drafthouses in North Texas. Reform Austin notes a decade of tough times for teachers in Texas.

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