Tag Archives: HCAD

Molly Cook Wins SD15; HCAD Results

I woke up to the news that ER Nurse and community organizer Molly Cook is my new State Senator after the special election to fill the SD15 vacancy. Running a disciplined and issues-driven campaign, Cook won handily with 57% of the vote. But it’s not over as we still have the Democratic run-off to elect our State Senator to a new term on May 28.

After living in SD13 for quite a while, the last round of redistricting had me forced into SD15 with a state senator I wasn’t too thrilled to have. Once that guy moved to city hall, the vacancy opened up a great opportunity to elect a candidate with an organizer’s mindset who will keep people energized for the 2024 elections.

Cook’s work on organizing I-45 expansion opponents and the Fair for Houston campaign, as well as a challenge to the SD15 incumbent in 2022, put her on the political map. And she hasn’t stopped. Cook will be the first woman elected to SD15–and it’s about time!

HCAD Win and Run-Offs

Place 1 will be filled by Kathy Blueford-Daniels who outlasted a right-winger without need for a run-off. Melissa Noriega will be out candidate in the Place 2 run-off. And a late surge by Pelumi Adeleke ensured her spot in the Place 3 run-off.

So, looks like we have the Democratic Primary run-off on May 28, and one more run-off for HCAD in June.

Keep on voting!

Early Voting Begins for May 4 Election

In case you didn’t know, we have two elections in May. While the Democratic Primary run-offs will be decided later this month, today is the first day of EARLY VOTING for the May 4 Uniform and Special Election, which includes the Senate District 15 race to replace the guy that left to move to city hall.

Added to this is the election to elect three individual to the all-new Harris Central Appraisal District board of directors.

Early voting is 4/22/24 thru 4/30/24, with election day falling on May 4. Find a polling location here. Find your sample ballot here. Kuff has more on the HCAD election and more on the SD15 race.

Is there a Stace Slate? Of course! Here are my picks.

Senate District 15 – Molly Cook

HCAD Place 1 – Kathy Blueford-Daniels

HCAD Place 2 – Melissa Noriega

HCAD Place 3 – Pelumi Adeleke