Tag Archives: ogg

Los Blogs de Tejas – TPA Round-Up

The Texas Progressive Alliance fervently hopes everyone on that jury in Manhattan can stay safe and anonymous as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff published two more HCAD Board candidate interviews, with Melissa Noriega for position 2 and Kathy Blueford-Daniels for position 1.

SocraticGadfly, having seen that H-E-B has arrived on the north side of the Metroplex, decided to indulge nostalgia, if nothing else, but found it (and the H-E-B cult) crushed by reality when compared with shopping options he already has.

Neil at the Houston Democracy Project posted about his letter sent to each member of Houston City Council asking about the Republican Chair & Republican majority on Council’s so-called Public Safety Committee. There is no public safety without democracy.

======================== And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs. Your Local Epidemiologist goes over the research on the “hygiene hypothesis” for kids’ health. The San Antonio Report introduces the Bexar County candidates for their appraisal district board. The Fort Worth Report attended a candidates forum for Tarrant Appraisal District Board hopefuls. Texas 2036 has bad news about how our students are doing in math. The Observer warns that the recent Panhandle wildfire is a harbinger. The Bloggess may have solved a little art mystery.