Thoughts On Viernes…06052009

Politics of Fear–The Attacks Continue

I’m not surprised, but I am disappointed in the campaign of Maverick Welsh for District H.  Not only has he gone negative, but he has gone on a rampage, attacking a decorated police officer and community leader as someone who cannot be trusted, without providing much proof of anything.

Welsh goes on to blame Ed Gonzalez for problems regarding crime and for being part of the “same, tired system.”  What Welsh seems to forget is that while Ed Gonzalez was out working to protect our streets, while risking his life, Welsh was working for a policy-maker (Peter Brown) that should have been working on these issues.  I find it quite peculiar that Peter Brown can go around taking credit for things, while Welsh blames all of the challenges facing District H on one decorated homicide detective.

Either Welsh is desperate, or he just doesn’t get it.  Welsh asks about Ed Gonzalez, “What has he really done?”  But the mail piece provides nothing which would state what Welsh has done. One would figure he’d be taking credit for something after his short time as a staffer for a councilman.

And the second mail piece, well, that just seems like something taken out of the Republican playbook–“run for your lives!  the parks are filled with sexual predators paid by your tax dollars!!!”

The politics of fear has no business being in this race.

Unfortunately, in what was supposed to be a race between two progressive-minded candidates, Welsh has taken the low road to “politics as usual.”

More Attacks on Latino Leaders?

Apparently, A&M is liking their first Latina president.  Ain’t it always the way?

But he was critical of what he deemed “passive resistance to anything with which she disagrees” and said she did a poor job of “carrying out board (and) system decisions with which she disagrees.”

So, in other words, she’s not being allowed to lead?  Damn these micromanagers!

Now, Can He Pay His Taxes?

Looks like Mattress Mack is in the money.  That was fast!  Maybe now, he can pay the Northside Management District the $50K he owes them.

I’ve Met the Dude

There’s a guy running as an “Obama Generation Candidate” for CD-18.  Yes, that’s Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s seat, for which she intends to run for re-election.  Campos stated he didn’t know him, as well as others, but I’ve actually met the dude. Last year, I attended a fundraiser for an OK State Senator running for U.S. Senate (Andrew Rice) and the possible challenger to SJL was there.

Now, it makes sense!

DosCentavos takes a short weekend vacation in order to celebrate my birthday. I may be back later with more thoughts, but for now, I’m just thinking, “I’m how old and I still have most of my hair? Wow!”

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  1. Pingback: One week of early voting in the District H runoff – Off the Kuff