Texas Dems React to Cornyn’s No Vote

Bill White, candidate for U.S. Senate

Senator John Cornyn acknowledged that Sonia Sotomayor has an excellent background, the right temperament, and a record of mainstream decisions. Her life has been an inspiration. Texas’ Senator should do what is right for our state and our mainstream values. Senator Cornyn’s “no” vote on Sotomayor represents political posturing for one wing of one party, politics as usual. As our next Senator, I will do what’s right for Texas.

Rep. Trey Martinez-Fischer, Chair of the Mexican American Legislative Caucus

His no vote will be a symbolic gesture to the largest growing demographic in Texas. As a distinguished graduate of both Princeton and Yale, a respected former prosecutor, and as a judge with hundreds of publications and opinions; she is not only a qualified Latina– she is a qualified jurist. Her credentials are superior and unparalleled. To her credit, she has the endorsement of not only the American Bar Association but also the United States Chamber of Commerce.

According to the 2000 United States Census, Latinos make up 12.5 percent of the population and only 2.2 percent of the lawyers, a disparity gap that will only widen as Texas moves toward 2020, when Latinos are expected to overtake Anglos as a majority population. The confirmation of Judge Sotomayor ought to be done on the basis of her stellar credentials, but you cannot ignore the effect that the first Latina justice on the Supreme Court of the United States will have on Texas and the rest of the world.

State Rep. Roberto R. Alonzo

I am disappointed and find it somewhat unfortunate that our own US Senator from Texas, John Cornyn, will not be among those included on the “yes” list of supporters on the Sotomayor nomination,” stated Rep. Alonzo. “The fact remains that Sotomayor has more experience as a judge than any current member of the high court, her credentials are unparalleled by few, and without a doubt, our president is to be commended indeed for his brave action in submitting her nomination. There is no doubt in my mind that Justice Sotomayor’s past judicial experience, extensive background in public service, and strong family upbringing, coupled with her exemplary community service and civic volunteerism on behalf of the downtrodden and less fortunate, will make her an excellent choice as our next Supreme Courte Justice,” concluded Rep. Alonzo.

Joe Montemayor, candididate for Justice of the Peace, Pct. 3-2, Retired Federal Agent

He claims that he fears her liberal view on gun control and property rights as an excuse for his decision but in truth he fears the GOP would cut off their financial support. Decisions based on doing what politically right instead of what is morally right has become the norm for the junior Senator from Texas.

Chairman Boyd Richie, Texas Democratic Party

“John Cornyn’s unprincipled, knee-jerk opposition to Judge Sotomayor’s nomination is a slap in the face to all Texans who believe our legal system works best when the most qualified individuals from all walks of life bring their talents to the courts to provide justice for all Americans.”

There will be more, I’m sure.

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