State Rep. Alvarado Responds to “Toys for Legals-Only” Flap

State Rep. Carol Alvarado released this statement regarding this morning’s story that some local nonprofits were checking the immigration status of children and parents as a prerequisite to receiving a donated toy during the holidays.

Houston// State Representative Carol Alvarado was disturbed to hear that the Salvation Army, along with other area charities, are going to require proof of legal immigration status prior to giving toys to needy children this holiday season.

“The holidays are a time for giving — not a time to discriminate.  It is not right to punish innocent children for decisions made by their parents,” said Representative Alvarado.  “I believe that the majority of the people who are donating money or gifts to needy children would not want organizations like the Salvation Army to discriminate against disadvantaged children who deserve to experience the joy of Christmas.”

Representative Alvarado wants to encourage everyone to give what they can this season and to continue to help those most in need by donating to organizations that do not discriminate against needy children.

Houston Fire Department also responded as the agency works with one nonprofit who also checks the status of children.  The Chron carried it in an article this afternoon.

“They ask,” Flanagan said of the Outreach Program Inc., which distributes toys collected by the Houston Fire Department. “If (people) don’t have identification, they still get in. I wouldn’t have the program if they didn’t.”

And the Salvation Army, which asks for a Social Security number when registering children for its gift program, said it does so only to deter fraud.

First of all, I wonder if the Salvation Army keep tabs on this alleged fraud; do they have stats? Please let us know those stats.  Perhaps there is a better way to deter it, rather than being so punitive.

Back to HFD, the article explains it a little further, though, they need to get together to have one solid message.

Outreach Program founder Lorugene Young said she wants to ensure the parents are citizens, legal immigrants or working to become legal residents, although she makes an exception if families can show they are working to attain legal status or the children are enrolled in school.

But Flanagan said even that was too strong a description for the way Young really operates, saying her main interest is in verifying names of recipients so she can provide that information to the fire department. Young on Tuesday noted that a flyer announcing the Dec. 23 toy giveaway at 1305 Benson, the site of a now-closed Houston Independent School District elementary school, is printed in both English and Spanish.

The HFD toy drive begins Wednesday and continues through Dec. 18. Donors are asked to drop off new, unwrapped toys at any fire station.

I guess it’s about time we compile a list of places that can be distributed community-wide to ensure there are no bad Christmas experiences for innocent kids who deserve a smile on their faces.

Kudos to State Rep. Alvarado for adding some political muscle to the response.

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