Updating You on Bill White for Texas

Our candidate for Texas Governor Bill White has been busy.  In fact, he’s got a major event in San Antonio at the Pearl Brewery this weekend that I wish I didn’t have to miss.   Nonetheless, Mayor Bill has been picking up key support all over the state.  A recent trip to El Magico Valle de Tejas was very fruitful, and he’s been saying the right things, too.

White’s pitch and platform focused on Perry fatigue, blaming the incumbent for the state’s dismal high school and college graduation rates, college tuition hikes, months-long waits for food stamp applicants, and the Valley’s lack of an interstate highway and veterans hospital.

And with over 7,000 donors around the state, White is proving that he is indeed the total package.

In the 28 days after White’s Dec. 4 announcement for governor, supporters responded with more than $2.5 million, for an average fundraising rate of over $90,000 per day. With transfers and in-kind donations, the effort to elect Bill White as governor collected more than $6.2 million and ended the year with nearly $5.5 million on hand.

“The response to Bill’s announcement that he’d consider running for governor was enormous, with more than 8,000 Texans emailing him to encourage him to run. Then, once Bill decided to run, those supporters responded with generous financial support,” said Campaign Finance Chair Scott Atlas. “We’ll be ready for November.”

Along with taking the state by storm and effectively raising campaign cash, he is also getting the backing of the Democratic Party’s electeds.

As of today, White has earned the endorsement of 12 State Senators and 66 State Representatives. Photos, videos, and quotes from endorsing Representatives and Senators can be viewed at www.billwhitefortexas.com/united.

White is definitely looking strong with just over a month until early voting for the Primary.

One response to “Updating You on Bill White for Texas

  1. Pingback: White reports $2.5 million raised – Off the Kuff