Redistricting Today: SD10 and Other Negotiations

Looks like the plaintiffs and the State of Texas have agreed to the SD-10 map, which will stay somewhat favorable for current State Senator Wendy Davis. So, that’s one part of the lawsuit that seems to be done.

Ramsey at the Trib has something, as well as some play-by-play from the rest of the morning. The rest of the maps (Texas House and Congressional) still remain in negotiations. Follow Michael Li’s tweets at for the latest.

While some of us have seen some of the bickering and arguing through press releases and even some punches being thrown through Facebook and Twitter, what about the judges? According to Ramsey,

The Texas judges — 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Jerry Smith of Houston, and federal judges Orlando Garcia and Xavier Rodriguez of San Antonio — have to guess what their colleagues in a Washington, D.C.s court might do. The Washington court is deciding whether the maps enacted by the Legislature undermine existing power of minority voters. Without a ruling from that court, the Texas judges have to guess at what might be in a ruling, and to incorporate that with their own judgment about other aspects of the maps. They’re working to put interim maps into place that can be used this year, with the understanding that there will probably be more remapping ahead.

Yeah, pobrecitos.

UPDATE:  Plan on May 29 Primary, Says Judge Smith

Wow! May 29th would basically make Texas Republicans insignificant in the Presidential primary. Or at least, not a catalyst for any given candidate. Still, the negotiations over the Congressional and Texas House maps continue. Keep an eye on the internets and the Tweeters for the latest.

One response to “Redistricting Today: SD10 and Other Negotiations

  1. Pingback: State agrees to leave SD10 unchanged – Off the Kuff