Mayor Parker Proposes Budget

All these Democratic Primary controversies, direct mail wars, and other juicy stuff need to take a backseat–at least for this post. Mayor Annise Parker has just proposed a $2 billion general fund budget with no tax increase or layoffs.

Mayor Annise Parker has just unveiled a proposed $2 billion general fund budget that includes plans to increase curbside recycling, restore night and weekend hours to the city’s 311 assistance line and start operation of a sobering center as an alternative to jail time for people whose only crime is being drunk.

What Parker emphasized in a news conference, however, was what is not in the budget. No tax increase. No fee hikes. No layoffs. No furloughs. No service cuts. No borrowing to pay pension costs. Not many new initiatives.

“This budget does not include a tax increase. It maintains my focus on five priorities: Jobs and sustainable development, infrastructure, public safety, quality of life and strong fiscal responsibility,” Parker said.

Sounds pretty good, but once the council starts having their budget hearings and debates, we’ll get down into the nitty gritty, for sure.

And I really can’t wait until Helena Brown proposes cutting $2 billion from the $2 billion budget.

One response to “Mayor Parker Proposes Budget

  1. Pingback: The Mayor’s 2013 budget – Off the Kuff