Thoughts on Viernes…10112013

Throw’m an anvil!

The buzz about Ben Hall purportedly pulling back on his ads has become a story in the Chron. Perhaps he’ll throw all his money at a ground campaign, or perhaps he thinks the big one page ad buy in the “conservative” magazine will have GOPers flocking to the polls on his behalf. Whatever his reason, I doubt Mayor Annise Parker’s campaign will soften or pull back on any part of the campaign. The funny thing about self-funded campaigns is that the funder has ready-access to his money.

The Money Bomb for Wendy Davis

30 progressive bloggers joined a money bomb for Wendy Davis and it was quite a success. What began with a $5,000 goal turned into $10,000 and then some. Not bad for a bunch of bloggers.

Complete Streets Policy Announced by Mayor Parker

 The Complete Streets and Transportation Plan recognizes that all streets are different.  The function of the road, current and projected adjacent land use and travel demands, availability of right-of-way, community input and the level of vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle traffic must all be considered in decisions regarding enhancements.  The ultimate goal, where appropriate, is walkable and bike-friendly neighborhoods with amenities such as trees and landscaping, public art and street furniture.

I know my friend, Mayor Pro-Tem Ed Gonzalez has been touting Complete Streets for a while and he was pretty excited about it.

The Executive Order will create a framework for future infrastructure projects in the City of  Houston that will incorporate ‘complete streets’ principles such as: safety for all users, increased pedestrian and cyclist amenities, the use of rain gardens and other innovative drainage alternatives, narrower traffic lines for vehicles, dedicated bike lanes for cyclists, wider sidewalks, and much more.

This kind of stuff makes me want to stick around in Sharpstown to see what happens.

Music Break ~ Los Lobos – Carabina 30-30 (Live on ACL)

3 responses to “Thoughts on Viernes…10112013

  1. Pingback: Texpatriate | Complete Streets

  2. Pingback: Complete Streets coming – Off the Kuff

  3. Pingback: Texpatriate | Hall losing steam?