SOTU Observations

Democrats seem to have loved President Biden’s challenges to Republicans that they work together during the next year. Biden’s listing of bipartisan accomplishments surely made Dems feel good. Republicans responded with their usual hate, using their latest version of anti-Black and anti-Latino hate on a few issues in which Biden was less than stellar.


Biden’s call for bipartisanship on immigration reform was weak. After doing nothing on the issue with a Democratic majority, he thinks bipartisanship will do the trick. But right off the bat, he proposes further militarization of the border with added Migra-Mice on the ground. This, after doing nothing regarding reform of ICE and the Border Patrol who continue their violent tendencies. Biden also seems to blame the fentanyl crisis on the border, while the demand is right here in America. The one part of this package are the DREAMers, who have been played by both sides since the issue was created as a means to achieve bipartisanship on something. Well, the call was made once again.

The Detention Watch Network released a report on issues that Biden must still address, including detention of migrants, ending cooperation between local police and ICE, and ending family detention prisons.

Sadly, Republicans will not allow much of anything, other than more militarization and human rights violations. Any negotiation will see Dems ceding this for whatever weak reform is created . That’s if anything happens.

Police Reform

I sort of feel like Roland Martin. It seemed Tyre’s mom was doing a better job of calling on police reform from the balcony. Any discussion of police reform should go beyond accountability for murdering black people. If there is no culture change in the current toxic state of policing, there will still be death and destruction of families, only with more slaps on the wrist–and more DAs failing to indict.


With Biden’s call to end the pandemic emergencies, it seems America has given the reins to big pharma who will overcharge the poor and uninsured ($80 to $120 for COVID shots). It’s not even on Biden’s radar to have a bipartisan solution to ensure people have access to COVID-related health care, if infected. And the immunecompromised have been left to fend for themselves with no antibodies and no help in staying safe. Of course, Biden did chastise big pharma regarding diabetes meds and profits, so that makes up for it? Anyway, I’m glad Senator Bernie Sanders was an ominous reminder (and hopefully focal point) that COVID is still here.


Biden hit all the spots that might appease middle class America, though. Infrastructure, vacation hotel bills, etc. Many of us still await the infrastructure investment that is to come and if whether it will be life-changing for people and not just government contractors. I haven’t stayed at too many hotels during the last few years, but the hotel thing seemed to excite the middle class.

Turning the tables on Republicans regarding Social Security played beautifully. And there are great ideas that I hope come to fruition. Unfortunately, the media and insider Dems were treating this as Biden’s re-election announcement, rather than a list of things to work on during the next year. I took “finish the job” to mean actually accomplishing something more than re-election. A Democratic majority should have finished the job.

The Right-Wing

The response was more racism from Arkansas’ governor blaming America’s problems on CRT and the border. Meanwhile, she called for a return to Trump’s racist policies. Business as usual for the Republicans.

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