Thoughts on Viernes – 09222023

Abbott Policies, Biden Indifference Kill Another Kid

A 3 year-old child drowned while trying to cross the Rio Grande in Eagle Pass. The child was pulled by the current north of Abbott’s killer buoys, which shows that the buoys don’t stop migration, they just push people toward more dangerous crossing points. As the border experiences a surge due to violence and poverty in migrants home countries, as well as inaction by the Biden administration and Congress, we can expect more drownings and injuries. Just in case you’re ignoring all this, I’ll remind you.

Meanwhile, border towns are left with thousands of migrants and no resources. These problems are not caused by migrants, but by political showboating and indifference by both parties.

The Week in COVID-19

While Houston and Texas continues their Trump-like denial that COVID-19 still exists, it is still affecting and killing people. I didn’t see new numbers published by Houston Health and the dashboards are pretty ridiculous and don’t seem updated. Anyway, it is safe to say people are still getting it. Mask up!

Someone does seem to think there is a problem afoot as the Feds have decided to mail 4 COVID tests to addresses who apply. Just in case one still wants numbers:

Increased coronavirus testing availability comes as 35 Texans died of COVID-19 last week. More than 1,500 Texans were hospitalized with COVID-19 last week, according to state data. Nationally, hospitalizations and deaths associated with COVID-19 are also trending upward, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s data tracker.

Loser Drops Election Loser Lawsuit

I don’t know if the loser just realized she lost by 18,000 votes or if she just found a way to make more election denial noise, while raising free right-wing money, outside of the courts, but the loser stopped suing Harris County. Instead, she will make noise at the legislative level to make voting harder for the vast majority of people all because she could not “find” 18,000 votes to change her loss to an actual stolen election. All the whining sounds familiar…

“So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,78votes…” – Cheeto Pendejo

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