Category Archives: City of Houston

Thoughts on Viernes – 05032024

Special Election Saturday

Remember to vote in the Special and Uniform election on Saturday, May 4. Vote at any voting center. Vote the Stace Slate. Vote for Molly Cook for Texas Senate District 15. Vote for Bluford-Daniels, Noriega, and Adeleke in the HCAD races. Click here for a sample ballot. Kuff has more and more.

The Democratic Run-off is on May 28. I’ll have a Stace Slate for that one, too, next week.

First Flood Disaster of 2024

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo acted quickly to call for a mandatory evacuation of areas in Northeast Harris County who are experiencing some massive flooding. She signed a disaster declaration to ensure resources are readily available to help evacuees with their needs and officials to deal with the situation effectively.

Thursday’s rains certainly exacerbated conditions. It doesn’t help when the guy at city hall calls a performative and actionless press conference and the press tries to make it about the elected officials and not the flood victims. It doesn’t help the situation that the guy Judge Hidalgo beat in 2018 is given a platform to mouth off about the woman he lost to in the middle of a disaster. (Dude, you lost! “Hunker down” and watch! And, people, stop trying to give Ed Emmett relevance.) And it doesn’t help that someone who didn’t run against the losing guy because she didn’t want to offend him in 2018 now wants to run in 2026 and is getting press for it. All while disaster is afoot!

Meanwhile, Judge Hidalgo is doing the job. Hopefully, we won’t have too many of these disasters over Hurricane season. Thankfully, we have a County Judge who does the job and a friendly federal government (for now) who won’t mind helping us out in the event of these kind of disasters. You know, without trying to make a show of it at a fire station.

Still Seeking Leadership

Where are all the local and state Democratic elected officials who continue to fail in calling out the police attacks on college campuses? Our college students aren’t only in Texas but they go everywhere. After Biden’s weak “I support you, but…” statement yesterday, it would seem the electeds are just following along, instead of showing us what they’re worth.

I will say that Senator Bernie Sanders is so right when he reminds us that while we are sending out armed officers to attack students expressing themselves as is their right, the attack on Palestinian children and people continues with no end in sight. Someone needs to stand up and speak out against these atrocities, since our leaders are too busy giving out and receiving medals.

Students–Stand your ground!

Thoughts on Viernes – 04262024

Ogg Keeps Ogg’n

In her usual vindictive way, the local DA gave the case in which she is railroading some county staffers to someone even more vindictive, Texas AG Paxton. Apparently, she couldn’t finish the job, so why not give it to someone who hates local control, is constantly suing Harris County, and hates Judge Lina Hidalgo as much as she does?

I expected this after overwhelming winner of the DA’s race Sean Teare stated he would hand the case to a DA in another county to attempt to achieve some fairness. Obviously, Ogg wanted to get ahead of this since her days in office are numbered and continually ineffective.

I grow more and more disappointed in those “popular” Dems who continue to stand with Ogg. They have continually propped up an awful elected official. One only wonders why.

Speaking of Assholes

The story still continues of the local Mayor avoiding and snubbing County Judge Lina Hidalgo. What is it with gringo Dems and their sycophants treating our county judge with such disrespect when there is work to be done?

According to the Chron, Whitmire will meet “when it’s time.” What the hell does that mean? Whitmire has been making decisions on streets and infrastructure without any input–even from citizens, but a “team” has been meeting with the County on disaster preparedness as if he doesn’t get a final word on the city’s participation.

Hidalgo said the rebuff could endanger Harris County residents as hurricane season approaches and the two offices start to coordinate emergency preparedness plans.

“Harris County has many millions of people,” Hidalgo said Monday. “We can’t have the relationship between two people imperil the safety of all the other millions.”

We have a petty Mayor in this city. Those who hang off his hind side aren’t looking good at the moment.

Where’s The Leadership?

Thus far, I’ve seen a few responses from local electeds regarding Greg Abbott’s DPS attacking college students calling for peace in Gaza. This is the same DPS that the local mayor supports taking to our streets to “enforce” the law in their own way.

Where is everybody? Or do you support Greg Abbott? Or are you under orders from some other entity? Some of us just want to know where you stand.

Thanks to State Rep Ron Reynolds for speaking up.

As representatives of the people, we stand in solidarity with the students and activists who are bravely advocating for justice and accountability. Their courage and determination remind us of the ongoing struggle for equality and justice in our society. We will continue to monitor this situation closely and work towards ensuring that all Texans can exercise their constitutional rights without fear or intimidation.”

Thoughts on Viernes – 03222024

What To Do About SB4

Well, our friends at FIEL are holding a protest of the on-hold law on March 30, 11AM at Antioch Park, 554 Clay, Houston, TX. It’s time to rise up and send a message; and that goes for Democratic activists and politicians, too.

Given arguments before the 5th Circuit, there is only more confusion and uncertainty about actually enforcing the law and the people it affects. That means Abbott’s intent is working: Keep Brown and Black people living in fear and allow law enforcement to run amuck doing whatever terror they wish to do on these communities, while appeasing a bigoted base of voters. Seriously, if a fear-monger like Greg Abbott didn’t even want to listen the courts during the battle over his floating balls, do you expect him to follow the rules or enforce them on law enforcement agencies, especially constables?

And, no, we cannot wait until the November election to send a message. And the message isn’t only for Republinuts.

How Are We Paying For It?

Much like Kuff, I keep asking just how are we supposed to pay for the local mayor’s deal with the firefighters? First of all, kudos to my own CM Tiffany Thomas and District J’s guy for asking the questions of the deal that must be asked. When the guy in charge doesn’t rep one’s values, then one must rely on those that represent. In this case, I was certainly represented when they asked where the Fire Chief was involved in all of this, given his exclusion at certain events. The other questions were important, too.

Though something called judgment bonds will pay for everything up front, according to one article, it will cost $72 million per year for debt service payments. For how long? Probably longer than the 5-year union contract they whipped up. Certainly, the bond lawyers are making a load of cash faster than we can pay for it.

What are the options? Well, since the City is facing a $60 million deficit for the next budget, it’ll probably be cuts to needed programs and increases in other fees. Certainly property taxes and increasing the revenue cap should be considered. Partnering with the county on some things is another idea, but that would entail County Judge Lina Hidalgo being acknowledged by the Houston guy.

Also, a reminder to the guy in charge: Just because you say “transparency” doesn’t mean you’re being transparent.

Fascist, Election Denying Loser on the METRO Board

I think that’s all that needs to be said about this. And no, she didn’t “win” anything…again!

Once Bitten is Enough!

As I mentioned on my most recent “Viernes,” I finally got bit by the COVID-19 bug. It took four years, and I never want it again!

I’d been masked pretty much 100% of the time in stores or any time I was in a place with a crowd, which was seldom. As we’ve all read, masks are an effective way to avoid COVID-19, but they’re not 100%; especially if one is in an unmasked crowd of sickly people and one’s mask maybe isn’t fitting well. I found myself at a few crowded stores during the week while masked and it seems someone else’s viral load got me. And probably through a failing mask since I don’t recall being unmasked with anyone whose been infected and that just bothers me to no end!

[Note: The local viral load in the wastewater has been high lately, so it’s everywhere right now.]

Thankfully, after reading and hearing about various friend’s tough battles, I am relieved that my own was mild. Maybe too mild. Perhaps it’s because I was masked. Perhaps because I was well-vaccinated. But what started as a tickle in my throat turned into a cough and stuffy nose within a few days. Luckily, I’m one of those who tests whenever I find myself in these kinds of situations because I have others for whom to worry about in my family. So, when I tested and the 2nd red line appeared quickly, I retested. And the news was still the same. Because of testing, I feel I caught it early enough to give it a good fight.

Having spent some time with family over the weekend before my positive test, I made the tough calls to inform them. Thankfully, we’d been distanced most of the weekend–even when eating in the kitchen. Still, one of my sisters is immunocompromised and the 14 days of testing to ensure she caught it early if I did infect her were nerve-wracking for my family. Thankfully, she and my bro-in-law tested negative. Still, the feelings of guilt haven’t waned for me, though my family tells me to relax. I feel horrible for threatening the health of my family. And I’m angry that the vast majority of people treat this as a common cold, rather than the pandemic that still exists. I’ve stopped treating anything as common.

Unfortunately, I did manage to infect one of my sisters, since I spend lots of time with her in the car during our commute. In this case, it was inevitable, I guess. Thankfully, both our cases were mild and quite similar with low-grade fevers, slight headaches, cough, and congestion. Maybe for the same reason of being vax’d and testing.

After I tested positive, I contacted my doc-on-a-laptop who sent a script for Paxlovid. Within the first dose, I started feeling better. I had a fever for a few hours as I waited for the script, then was normal soon after and it remained normal. My sis started Paxlovid after she tested positive a couple of days later with similar results.

The problem with Paxlovid is that after you’ve done the five days, there is a good chance, which seems to be increasing according to studies, of having a rebound. What I’ve learned is that Paxlovid gets out of one’s system the day after the final dose. So, there isn’t much fight against the virus soon after if the Paxlovid didn’t rid you of it. It suppressed it and perhaps made it less likely that symptoms would get serious, even with a rebound. And I’m fine with that.

So, for 2 to 8 days and a bit longer, one is waiting to see if the symptoms return or if maybe a positive test happens. I managed to continue testing negative, but I had a strange feeling since I had not gotten rid of the sinus congestion; if anything, I felt like I had a sinus infection. Unfortunately, my sister did have a rebound test result, with no other symptoms. So, we continued with constant fluids, constant temp taking, Mucinex, Saline to wash out sinuses, etc. She finally tested negative after a couple of days of rebound and my negative tests have continued, and the sinus infection seems mostly gone.

Pro-Tip: If you get COVID-19, get a saline nasal mist, or a Neti Pot, to wash out your sinuses. Do it early, much like getting the Paxlovid. Nothing is a cure, but washing out the virus may help reduce symptoms, along with the Paxlovid. Cough and congestion meds help manage the process, too.

Whether what remained in our nostrils was dead virus that may no longer have been contagious, or it was the real thing, the rebound did cause some feelings of frustration. The fact that congestion and sinusitis still exist doesn’t make me feel “safe” to visit my other family members right now. If/when I do, there will still be distancing, there will still be masks, and there will be uneasiness because that’s how this bout with COVID-19 has left me. I already had a lack of trust of people based on the COVID-19 parties I still see on the Facebook!

And then there’s the constant thoughts of what damage the virus has done to my own organs, etc. We cannot forget that it is an inflammatory disease that can mess your brain, lungs, your heart, and your gut. So, any uneasy sickly feeling freaks me out nowadays.

I wish I was like others who don’t think twice about returning to “life” after infection, but there are a lot of reasons to worry; especially if one has immunocompromised family members. I do credit my ability to fight off this disease quickly to having lost some serious pounds and having taken on a healthier lifestyle of better eating and exercise. So, I guess there’s that. I just need to keep at it, while also continuing masking and staying away from crowds and people. It is still about keeping those around me safe. And if people don’t like me wearing a mask, que se vayan mucho a la chin-…anyway.

Keep masking. Stay safe. Don’t get sick.

Thoughts on Viernes – 02022024

The COVID Report

The wastewater viral load jumped from 382% to 531%. And I finally got bit! (More on that next week.) Again, a year or so ago, the viral load was at 1,000%, so, needless to say, we really haven’t made progress. If anything, going unmasked all of the time at stores and at crowded events puts us and others in danger. That said, there’s no stopping people from going unmasked. Especially the part where they’re hacking up lung parts and endangering others. So, keep masking! Most times, they do work all of the time. Most times.

The Democratic Line?

I wasn’t surprised when the defense of Secretary Mayorkas, who is being impeached by Republicans, was that the Biden administration has deported more people than Trump. Don’t get me started with the “shutting down the border” deal for more genocide cash. That’s not a selling point for avid Democratic voters such as myself.

I preferred Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s remarks in which she stated that there is no evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors. Of course, that’s if we all think of an impeachment having to do with crime. They’re a political tool–at least, that’s what these shows have become. Though Trump is a criminal idiot, his impeachment hearings have been used as a political tool, too.

And no matter what side one is on, the time spent on these feels more like political porn than a resolution to something. I’m no fan of Mayorkas, but there are people trying to do something–which is not all good by the way–and the House republinuts only know how to create gridlock. It’s a waste of time.

Comen Del Mismo Plato, M’ijo

“Comen del mismo plato,” is something my mom used to tell me about politicians who lose their way of representing the people. When I saw Judge Lina Hidalgo’s call-out of a 40% raise for a Harris County employee, Mom’s quote came to mind.

Yes, some of these high-ranking folks do eat off the same plate (especially when they’re on the same social calendar) and when there are political fiefdoms (i.e., commissioner’s court) involved, they feast rather easily and quietly unless someone calls out the behavior. Kudos to Judge Hidalgo for ensuring transparency.

My thoughts: Hey, we all deserve more money. A lot of government employees deserve a bump in pay, too, if they work hard enough. And that’s what Commissioner Ellis seems to be wanting with the pay study. But there’s a lot of talent out there and if one leaves because more money is being thrown at them, well, government service starts to look like the recent competition for college coaching. Oh wait, most of these coaches work for the government, too. People are easily replaced, especially in politics and government.

Bottom line: When government starts looking like the annoying and insular yearbook club from high school, it’s not a good look no matter how one paints it.

Thoughts on Viernes – 01182024

DOJ on Uvalde

Twenty months after the Uvalde massacre, the DOJ released their report telling us what we already knew: Law enforcement failed miserably. Also, in the aftermath, Greg Abbott and his underlings failed continuously.

Stories about the lack of priorities regarding medical procedures gave me a sick feeling, i.e., dead victims placed in ambulances, while live victims were placed on school buses to be taken to the hospital. Ultimately, families had to re-live the whole thing with not much resolved.

I was hoping that the evidence of misinformation would have included how initial reactions blamed an immigrant who bailed out on a migra stop, which was completely false. It would have pointed to the attitudes that exist in the area because of Greg Abbott and his bigoted polices.

All sorts of rumors were on social media soon after the first calls went out to law enforcement, while the lack of communication from law enforcement and those in charge (Greg Abbott) later in the day didn’t help the situation. Unfortunately, given the opportunity to get rid of Abbott and his underlings, Texas voters still kept him. That would have been a good first step.

The report does not do much of anything regarding accountability. Hell, at the very least call for the firing of the DPS director, right? One can say they will fix procedures and provide more training, but that hardly makes up for the massive loss of lives and the continued victimization of survivors by politicians who would rather keep a dangerous status quo of guns on demand. And more travel vouchers for local small town cops are just a license to party in the big city.

Greg Abbott Causes More Deaths

A reminder that Greg Abbott’s bigoted policies caused the deaths of three migrants recently. Greg Abbott and his underlings took over a park by the border, closing off access for Eagle Pass citizens, as well as to Border Patrol agents who use the land to patrol the border and launch boats into the Rio Grande. Because of this lack of access, Border Patrol agents were not able to attempt to save three migrants who were in distress. Their bodies were found by Mexican authorities. A few others were also saved from Abbott’s concertina wire by Mexican authorities because Greg Abbott’s own couldn’t be bothered.

All of these events in South Texas go hand in hand as proof that Greg Abbott has no business being in charge of anything. He seems to be content with the results of his failures, and the DOJ doesn’t seem to be trying hard enough to stop him.

The COVID Report

The viral load in the wastewater continues to increase, according to testing done by Houston Health. We are at 382%! Again, a year ago, we were pushing the 1,000% mark after that holiday surge. Still, I see all these galas, events, and crowded get-togethers with 100% unmasked attendees. My response to people complaining they “suddenly” got COVID nowadays is no longer a “concern” emoji, but a statement of, “Wow. They know what causes that.” Mask up!

Thoughts on the Freeze of 2024

We are in the midst of a freeze, so, I guess that means I should end my one-month break from blogging. The reality is that I needed the break so that I could collect myself for what is to come in the new year. Politics isn’t very exciting lately, and public policy seems to suck even more when the President you voted for tries to pawn off immigration reform for genocide and war cash. Anyway, this freeze reminds one that we need to also think of the now.

Warming Centers

If one finds themselves freezing and in need of warmth, the City of Houston and Harris County are providing warming centers. One thing they won’t tell you to do is to MASK UP! I haven’t seen so many sickly, cough-y, sneez-y people in so long. Whether it’s COVID, RSV, Flu or some other respiratory ailment, they spread through the air and an infection can cause damage to one’s lungs. Masking up is the least one can do to make sure there isn’t a community spread in this emergency situation.

  • Acres Homes Multi-Service Center
  • 6719 W. Montgomery Rd.
  • Houston, TX 77091
  • METRO: 44 – Acres Homes stop @ W. Montgomery & Wilburforce
  • Denver Harbor Multi-Service Center
  • 6402 Market St.
  • Houston, TX 77020
  • METRO: 48 Market stop @ Market & Rouse
  • Downtown Recovery Center
  • 150 Chenevert St.
  • Houston, TX 77002
  • METRO: 48 Market stop @ Runnels & East Dr.
  • Fonde Community Center
  • 110 Sabine St.
  • Houston, TX 77007
  • METRO: 30 Clinton/Ella stop @ Memorial & Houston
  • Metropolitan Multi-Service Center at W. Gray
  • 1745 W. Gray St.
  • Houston TX 77019
  • METRO: 32 Renwick/San Felipe stop @ W. Gray & Waugh
  • Sunnyside Health and Multi-Service Center
  • 4410 Reed Rd.
  • Houston, TX 77051
  • METRO: 29 Cullen/Hirsch stop @ Cullen & Wilmington
  • Alief Family YMCA – 7850 Howell Sugar Land Rd., Houston, TX 77083
  • Lakewood Church – 3700 Southwest Freeway, Houston, TX 77027

And I’ve heard of one at Bayland Park at 6400 Bissonnet run by the good folks at Precinct 4 Commissioner Lesley Briones’ office. Thanks to my Commish and her staff for those efforts.

Again, be safe and wear a mask.

The COVID Report

At last check, the holiday COVID surge had blasted the viral load in the wastewater above 330%. If one considers that one year ago the load was at 999%, well, we really haven’t made much progress in containing the disease.

We know what causes it, and it is not a lack of a vaccine. Vaccines help protect one from the worst of the disease in normal health conditions, but if one is immunocompromised in any way, then the result of an infection could be worse. Diseases that end up in one’s lungs could cause long-term damage. That’s why masks are so important to help stop transmission, whether it’s COVID, flu, RSV, or some other airborne disease. Do they cramp your style? Tough shit! If you don’t kill yourself, you may kill a loved one who is elderly or immunocompromised! MASK UP!


The roads are awful today in the area, including I-10 just outside of Katy (see photo above). Corporations who didn’t give their employees a break on MLK Day should let them work from home these next few days. They’ll still make a profit–Employee safety is good for profits, right?

MLK Quote of the Day

I’m not one for the feel-good quotes. I think moderates use them to make themselves feel better or accomplished. Or worse, “woke”! Here’s a good MLK quote to consider:

“Whites, it must frankly be said, are not putting in a similar mass effort to reeducate themselves out of their racial ignorance. It is an aspect of their sense of superiority that the white people of America believe they have so little to learn.”

-Martin Luther King Jr., Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community? (1967)

Something for white liberals to think about when they push for moderate policies and politics as a means of maintaining an untenable status quo.

Reminder: Abbott’s Grid Still Sucks

Make sure you check ERCOT periodically for power warnings. It’ll be much colder and for a longer period tonight through Tuesday morning. So, there will be energy consumption by families of all income levels trying to stay warm.

Thoughts on Viernes – 12152023

Post Election Thoughts

Well, I for one was not happy with the outcome of the Houston election, but that’s the way it goes. What is more insulting is an article stating that because there are more Spanish-surnamed members on Council that somehow there is more Latino representation. Hardly.

One of those elected (Julian Ramirez) has right-wing leanings and supporters, though, he doesn’t necessarily run away from his background. Still any poll of Latino voters will find us to be in favor of health care access, equal opportunity, public education, civil rights, voting rights, etc. Is Ramirez one of those voters?

I find it disappointing that local groups think an extra brown-skinned person makes it better for us just on optics alone, especially when some of these groups fight for civil rights. Houston had an opportunity to elect Richard Cantu, someone who has represented all of Harris County, and dropped the ball by failing to vote in larger numbers. Thankfully, voters defeated Orlando Sanchez, despite a push from some of the same local Latino groups who favor optics over good policy.

That said, it does seem that City Council took more of a right turn adding a right-winger to the horseshoe, and with a “conservative independent” or whatever he told republinuts he was, it would seem that any hot-button issue would have the incoming Mayor as the deciding vote. There are some issues, such as bringing Abbott’s DPS to “attack crime” in the city without any local oversight, of which Dems should be worried. I’m sure having a right-wing, anti-LGBTQ+ preacher makes other nervous, too, since he could easily add things to Council’s agenda with the help of a right-wing colleague, now. Just something to think about. While others feel it, the warm and fuzzies are far from being felt by this bloguero.

Thoughts on the 2024 Dem Primary

Kudos to those precinct chairs who called out Kim Ogg for being a bad Democrat and a bad DA. She has abused her office by going after good Democrats for her own political again, while failing to prosecute and indict bad killer cops. Her endorsement of a right-winger for city council didn’t help Richard Cantu, either. We need change in that office, and this was a good first step. I look forward to the next steps, which include her electoral defeat.

What is worrisome is that there are a few incumbent civil and family district judges who are being challenged. Are their opponents funded by sore loser lawyers in those courts? Or are they just playing that old game to achieve demographic-based victory? I’m not saying no one should run against incumbents. We do have a democracy, right? But there are plenty of judges who could have been challenged. Why these judges? I hope there is an actual discussion because I’m not convinced Dems should get rid of these incumbent judges just because they can. Silly me, I’m just one of those voters who don’t vote for Latinos just because they’re Latinos.

We’ll have a busy race for Tax Assessor-Collector with some familiar names–some former office holders, others former candidates. Some had plans to run prior to the retirement announcement of Ann Bennett, which means they wanted to challenge her? Well, that doesn’t give me the warm and fuzzies since Ann is a friend of the DC family. So, I’m listening to all in the running.

Sheriff Ed Gonzalez will have some challengers, but I’m pretty sure he can overcome them handily. Still, the GOPers are set to go after him and I hope he knocks them out in November.

I’m still smarting from being gerrymandered into SD15 when I was being represented perfectly fine by SD13. Well, with the current State Senator switching offices on Jan. 1, there will be a busy primary that includes some familiar names, including the previous challenger, Molly Cook. Molly has been working all along and did great in the 2022 primary, as well as helping lead on fighting the I-45 expansion and the recent Prop B campaign. We’ll just have to see what the others offer.

More on the Primary later. Especially the US Senate race!

The COVID Report

Apparently, there was a slight drop in the viral load of the wastewater to 161%. That’s not much of a drop and it does not include the first week of holiday parties of which I have seen plenty of close-quarter selfies. Either way, there are a lot of sick people around.

But COVID isn’t the only disease going around. The Flu, RSV, pneumonia, and other airborne diseases are going around. You know a good way to stop it is WEARING A PINCHE MASK! That’s right, the masks that kept infections down during the pandemic (they sure have kept me unCOVIDed) can help avoid other respiratory diseases.

Healing Thoughts for Joshua Ray Walker

Over the last year, I’ve become a fan of singer/songwriter Joshua Ray Walker. Over the last year, he’s toured the world, he performed at the Grand Ol’ Opry, on CBS This Morning and Jimmy Fallon, and has achieved critical acclaim. He’s not your typical performer, but he is quite the guitarist and musician, offering up good and sometimes pain-driven tunes about everyday problems we all face and then some. He released this new tune this week, Thank You For Listening, dedicated to his fans for supporting him. The tune has a different meaning as he faces a colon cancer diagnosis which will keep him off the road for the next few months. Thanks to Joshua Ray Walker for the music and get well soon!

Thoughts on Viernes – 12082023

The COVID Report

Did anyone notice that the head of the CDC made a huge suggestion that people mask up again? No, it’s not a mandate, but it is a response to the recent uptick in respiratory illness (COVID, Flu, RSV, Pneumonia) that is going around and hospitalizing people. Here in Houston/Harris County, the local authority reported an “increasing trend” of viral load in the wastewater to 171% earlier this week. Whether that includes Thanksgiving or not, I haven’t checked, but according to my FB posts of connected Democrats, the holiday parties are in full swing, and probably the giving of viruses since no one is masked.

No, I have not attended any of them and I am masking at stores, the doctor, in large crowds, etc. You should, too. Also, get the vaccine—though it may take a couple of weeks to take and by then some of you will have attended all the parties and given viruses to old relatives. Anyway!

DPS Absolves Itself

After a DPS medic blew the whistle on DPS and its leaders’ treatment of migrants on the border, the DPS investigated itself and has absolved itself of its sins. One will recall that DPS was literally pushing migrants back into the Rio Grande to stop them from crossing the border. Many migrants were getting caught in the razor wired Abbott balls and some even drowned. DPS also would not provide water to migrants who were thirsty during the summer heat. But according to DPS, they did not violate any laws or rules they created for themselves. It does prove that Republicans in power are heartless and evil.

To think, there’s a right-wing supported mayoral candidate (Whitmire) who wants to bring DPS to Houston to patrol the streets without any local control of them. Not that they would follow anyone elses rules, since they write them up for their own benefit and enjoyment. Hell, their leader dropped the ball in Uvalde. We don’t need ineptitude and more police violence in this city. We have seen them run amok on the border. We need to do better locally.

Saturday is Run-Off Election Day

Saturday, December 9, 2023 is your last day to vote in the Houston Mayoral and City Council Run-Off. I voted early and got it taken care of. Vote the Stace Slate:

Sheila Jackson Lee for Mayor; Melanie Miles for At-Large #1; Nick Hellyar for At-Large #2; Richard Cantu for At-Large 3; and Dr. Letitia Plummer for At-Large 4. If you reside in District H, I suggest Mario Castillo. And if you reside in District D, I suggest keeping Carolyn Evans-Shabazz.

Go to for more information, but you may vote at any voting center in the County.

Vote Early On Sunday

It’s Early Vote weekend for Houston’s City Council and Mayoral Run-Off Election. I voted on Saturday at the Alief ISD Talent Development Building, which featured some great EV workers and an easy experience. One may vote today, Sunday 12/3, from 12pm to 7pm at any early voting center. Early voting ends Tuesday, 12/5.

Don’t know for whom to vote? The Stace Slate is available for you to print and use. If you need to see your sample ballot, you may look it up here. If you have any voting-related questions, click here.

Vote Early! Run-Off Election day is Saturday, December 9, which means you can make voting part of your Sabado To-Do List .

Little Joe Endorses Sheila Jackson Lee

I’ve seen a lot of misguided Latino electeds (and at least one popular band) choosing expediency over progress in the Mayor’s race. Little Joe has been in the fight for Chicanos and other Latinos throughout his storied 60+ year musical career. He fights for abortion rights, education equity, civil rights, and human rights. He made that much clear at his Festival Chicano concert. I’m pretty sure that if you trust his music, you can trust his electoral choices.