Tag Archives: gitmo

This Week in Anti-Immigrant News

Greg Abbott continues his bigoted assault on migrants.

We already know about his GoFundMe wall and his Gitmo-styled concentration camp for misdemeanor trespassers who set foot on private property while escaping poverty and violence.

He has also called out the Texas National Guard to help out DPS in arresting migrants.

Now, he’s given the green light to DPS to practice racial profiling in South Texas by stopping any vehicle suspected of smuggling. All this, while Abbott seems to be blaming migrants for COVID-19, rather than his own equally bigoted, unmasked, unvaccinated supporters, which make up over half the state.

Abbott seems to be running one hell of a campaign tailored to his bigoted base. State Senator Carol Alvarado provided a response on her FB:

This attack on migrants & charities is a blatant culture war distraction from the REAL problems we should be solving:

✔️Fix the skyrocketing #Covid rate

✔️Protect our children from Covid in schools

✔️Improve our low vaccination rate

✔️Expand Medicaid

✔️Oh & #fixthegrid already

Another response to Abbott was this one:

Dani Marrero Hi, director of advocacy for La Unión del Pueblo Entero, an advocacy group, said it is hypocritical of Abbott to issue this order because he has not allowed counties to mandate COVID-related policies that could help mitigate the spread of the virus.

“For an area like the Rio Grande Valley, where I think a lot of people already experienced kind of racial profiling from cops, and we have local law enforcement collaborating with Border Patrol, this is just gonna have a catastrophic impact,” she said.

On the other side of the aisle, the Biden administration seems to be shirking its own campaign promises as they will continue a fast-track deportation program that immediately sends back migrants without due process. And it also seems that Biden prosecutors are continuing to deport folks who are supposed to be receiving some discretion from that kind of action.

Just a reminder, there are over 27,000 asylum seekers in ICE jails under Biden. So, is Biden building numbers for defensive purposes? What’s the deal?

Anyway, that’s the update.