Trustee Turns Bully in HISD-3 Race

Houston ISD recently passed an anti-bullying policy. Does the policy say anything about how to treat Trustees acting like anti-GLBT bullies? Because Manuel Rodriguez sure is acting like one.

There’s no doubt that this blogger is rooting for Ramiro Fonseca in this race.


Fonseca brings a wealth of experience in higher education and community action that is needed at Houston ISD. But, mostly, he loves and cares for his community.

His opponent, Rodriguez, could have made the “I’m a parent and he’s not” argument without attacking an entire community–other than us single, non-parent taxpayers who care about what is coming out of our schools. Manuel Rodriguez chose an ugly path out of desperation, and that’s a shame. Better to lose (or possibly win) with some class, than to end up looking like a bigoted bully.

HISD-8 Trustee Juliet Stipeche had this to say in a status post on Facebook:

I denounce the reprehensible, mean-spirited, bigoted mailer that was sent out in the HISD, District III race. I ask my colleagues to maintain and uphold HISD’s total non-discrimination policy and treat every person, including other candidates, with dignity and respect. Let us embrace diversity and equality and treat every person as we would like ourselves to be treated.

I don’t think there’s much of a doubt in this race:  Ramiro Fonseca needs to be District 3’s new Trustee.

UPDATE:  Chron retracts Rodriguez endorsement.

More from:  PDiddie, Kuff, Bay Area Houston

One response to “Trustee Turns Bully in HISD-3 Race

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