The Chron Is Nodding…

There have been a few Dem endorsements in local races from the Chron, all in which I am pretty much in agreement.

Today’s big endorsement was in my side of town–HD-137’s Jamaal Smith. One knows I can’t say enough good stuff about my friend, Jamaal, but if you must see his stance on various issues, then check out this post.

We live in a diverse city, and it needs representatives who can build coalitions out of our multifaceted makeup. Smith promises to be that sort of representative.

These skills are particularly important for Smith’s district, which includes areas of dense immigrant population such as Gulfton and Sharpstown. While these areas face problems such as gang crimes, they also have rising potential, with unique businesses and ethnic restaurants attracting an elite clientele, and immigrant neighborhoods setting the groundwork for the next generation of Americans.

Another big endorsement, although the race may be in limbo because of a massive screw-up by Harris County, is for Erica Lee for County School Trustee, representing Precinct 1.

For the job, we endorse Lee, who combines real-world teaching experience with an impressive policy background. She taught first grade at HISD’s Lantrip Elementary before studying public policy at Duke University. After that, she served on a team that helped New York’s Gov. Eliot Spitzer prepare a $21 billion education budget – a budget that brought universal pre-K classes to New York kids.

Another good endorsement is that of Paul Sadler for the U.S. Senate. We need a strong candidate to take on DewCruz (I can’t tell the difference between the two), and Sadler knocked it out of the park during the Texas Democratic Party’s Convention here in Houston on most of the issues that I push here on the DC.

I’m sure there is at least one more, but I’m hoping for two more endorsements, from the Chron. Stay tuned.

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