Firefighter Chavez Announces for At-Large 3

Chavez PhotoRoland Chavez, a long-time firefighter with the City of Houston, announced that he would retire this summer and make a run for City of Houston City Council At-Large 3. The position is currently held by CM Melissa Noriega who is term-limited.

“I will retire in June from my beloved profession and, with that in mind, I am announcing today my candidacy for City Council, At-Large Position 3…seeking to continue to serve my fellow Houstonians with the same passion and commitment I have brought to my job throughout my career,” Chavez told supporters.

Roland went on to say that he will be a strong advocate for all of Houston and that he is looking forward to working on making our neighborhoods safer, providing affordable housing, continuing to update our infrastructure, attracting good paying jobs and protecting our quality of life.

“For 34 years I’ve enjoyed a career of compassion, courage and commitment to the citizens of Houston,” Chavez said before going on to describe working in the Fourth Ward, Acres Homes and Galleria area as a firefighter. He closed by saying, “I pledge to you – when elected – I will serve with the same commitment and energy I have always had to making Houston an even better place to live, work and enjoy our great city.”

Roland Chavez grew up in the First Ward and Woodland Heights neighborhoods of Houston. He renovated both of his childhood homes, and now he lives in Woodland Heights and his mother lives in the First Ward home. In addition to his firefighting duties, Roland served as an officer, including president, of Local 341 of the Houston Professional Fire Fighters Association; has been active in numerous charity and civic organizations; and chaired Council Member Adrian Garcia’s North Side Metro Rail Expansion Committee.

This is certainly welcome news.

2 responses to “Firefighter Chavez Announces for At-Large 3

  1. Pingback: New Candidates in AL3 | Texpatriate

  2. Pingback: An early look at At Large #3 – Off the Kuff