Post-Turkey Read: TPA Round-Up

The Texas Progressive Alliance wishes everyone a happy Thanksgiving as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff looks at Rick Perry’s day in court as he tries one more time to quash the indictments against him.

Libby Shaw contributing to Greg Abbott Brings Out the Worst in Texas. Again.

Stace at DosCentavos offers a tribute to his uncle, Sheriff Jose Serna. Sheriff Serna was the first elected Mexican American sheriff in Zavala County.

There may be some lessons for Democrats to learn from Louisiana, where they elected a Democratic governor on Saturday, but PDiddie at Brains and Eggs suspects the biggest one is “Run the Bluest Dog you can find against the worst Republican you can find”. And that’s just a tired recipe for the same failed election results in Texas over the past twenty years.

SocraticGadfly appreciates the intent, but questions the wisdom, of states making a state-by-state attempt at single-payer type “national” health care.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme doesn’t understand why some Texas pastors go out of their way to spew hate.

Neil at All People Have Value said the value of everyday life is a good foundation for a broad movement demanding that our everyday work and relationships be given proper regard. APHV is part of


Grits for Breakfast calls for police disciplinary files to be opened up.

Juanita goes biblical on Greg Abbott’s shameless announcement refusing refuge to people from Syria.

Robert Rivard notes that Abbott’s decision is in contradiction to Catholic teaching and practice.

The Texas Election Law Blog mocks the three-judge panel for its refusal to act on the ongoing redistricting litigation.

Dallas City Council member Lee Kleinman touts hit town’s non-discrimination ordinance.

Paradise in Hell annotates Greg Abbott’s surrender to the terrorists.

Mary Pustejovsky says no one should have to lose a love one to an automobile accident.

Austin On Your Feet provides five lessons from the passage of a “granny flat” ordinance.

Haley Morrison says it is our American duty to show compassion to refugees.

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