A Few GOPers Weep Over Trump’s Racism

I was asked what I thought of a few Republicans who suddenly saw the racism of the Trump/GOP administration.

They didn’t say anything when the GOP was keeping children and families uninsured.

They didn’t say anything when the GOP railroaded thru some tax cuts for the rich against poor and working families.

They didn’t say anything when the GOP and Betsy DeVos cut education funding and did away with civil rights for many students.

They didn’t even say anything when Trump and his ilk were putting children and families in filthy warehouses and cages, thus enriching private jail companies.

They didn’t see the racism in Republican policies all this time. Hell, they benefited from these policies in one way or another, politically or financially.

But “Go back to your country” was really below the belt?

Spare me!

These GOPers are either hoping for forgiveness from their God, or hoping for re-election as they see well-funded opponents in their midst.

And the retired Latina judge who suddenly found God in all of this? She should go back to her country club.

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