Houston Needs A Reformer at HPD

George Floyd

Art Acevedo is going to beachier pastures. Miami hired him because of the “national profile” he created for himself by hugging on BLM protesters on camera while his underlings arrested various protesters for no particular reason. Unfortunately, those that prefer symbolism to action ate it up and only helped Acevedo’s popularity. As Texas Monthly reported, the hero myth is real.

While the murder of George Floyd gave a national profile to the need for police reform and improved police-race relations for which Houston could have been an example, Acevedo took the opportunity to attack judges and activists who supported and worked toward police and bail reform. His tough talk laced with crocodile tears made for great centrism and avoidance of the problems faced in our communities. He’s perfect for Florida.

Frankly, with Acevedo gone, Houston has an opportunity to hire a police chief who will have the guts to take on the cops union and join forces with leaders who support police and bail reform. Police and bail reform should be a national priority that requires more action, and a lot less hugs and weightless platitudes for the cameras.

That’s really all that needs to be said. Also, he probably decided he couldn’t beat Matthew McConaughey.

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