Thoughts on Viernes – 05242024

Allred Goes Trumpish With First Ad

The Dems’ pick to run for US Senate in Texas, Colin Allred, took a hard right with his first ad on a republinut issue–the border. In the ad, he tries to capture hearts with his “growing up with single mom” story, then goes dark with an attack on Joe Biden and immigrants.

Why Joe Biden, if he’s trying to keep some Trump policies in place?

And Allred’s personal story doesn’t mean much when he begins to blame families escaping poverty and violence (mostly because of US-Latin American policies in their home countries) for US problems. Instead of making immigration policy the issue, he’s blaming people for simply “yearning to be free.” Those who suffer are the easiest target and this has been added to the Dem playbook.

There’s a reason I didn’t vote for the opportunistic politician in the Primary. Allred is a terribly hard pill to swallow in November if he continues on this track. It’s not a good look for Democrats, especially if Schumer and the Senate are trying to resurrect an already awful “bipartisan” border plan.

Speaking of Bad Policy

Biden’s “it’s not genocide” statement regarding Israel’s constant killing and starving of Palestinians made things loud and clear: He doesn’t want to win in November.

Between ignoring the need for an immigration system overhaul and what seems like an endless spigot of money for Israel’s ways, the people are feeling held hostage by the Democratic Party because at least Biden and Democrats support the other liberal stuff. Well, at some point, people will cease fearing the “do you want Trump to win?” threats from Democrats, while they fund war and hate. The polls are already saying as much.

Disaster Politics

I was one of the lucky ones after the 2nd disaster of 2024. I was only out of electricity for eight hours, compared to family and friends who went days without. Those with means were able to keep things going with generators and batteries, but thousands more had to be assisted with water, food, supplies, and other needs, thanks to government and non-profit entities who did what they’re supposed to do–help.

Unfortunately, politics does make its way into disasters. Whether one is having unnecessary press conferences with entourages, instead of simply having leaders in charge of efforts speak, or if one seems to be over-selfying oneself for proof that they’re doing something, the bottom line is that people need information and not folksy one-liners for TV consumption.

Provide, get the needed declarations, and make sure it all runs as smoothly as possible while keeping all involved accountable. Save the selfies for unnecessary award ceremonies.

At this point, I really don’t care about 2026 or whose hind-side must be kissed for political relevance (in their eyes). I’m barely thinking about 2024. Do the work and people will remember without the need for proof.

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