Tag Archives: border

Thoughts on Viernes – 03012024

Never Go Full-MAGA

And that’s what Kim Ogg has done with a republinutty ad where she attacks Sean Teare and the City of Los Angeles. Using the anti-California line that is oft-used by republinuts, Ogg adds some fear-mongering using black and white mugshots of some nice-looking white folks whom she railroaded in her witch hunt of Judge Hidalgo; a video of a losing republican candidate whining about crime; and GEORGE SOROS!!!

To top it off, the ad shows something called “Texas Small Business Owners PAC” in huge letters, but in barely seen letters, “paid for by Kim Ogg.” So disingenuous. Actually, we see right through it.

Wow! Now, talk about desperation. Fortunately, in his own ads, Teare reminds voters of Ogg’s witch hunt using Republican lawyers to go after Democrats. Seriously, though, I’m not surprised that Ogg would stoop so low. But I do become more and more disappointed at prominent Dems who continue to support Ogg. That kind of ad makes me a never-Ogg in November. I only vote for Democrats.

Speaking of full-MAGA

Are we really surprised that popular bible mega-thumper Ed Young is a bigot? His rant against migrants from the pulpit proved it a lot more than his support of MAGA idiots in the public eye. The name-calling is one thing but using stats like “8 to 10 million” makes one think of the original 10 million migrants we’ve been trying to get some sort of status, within them the 2 million Dreamers. He is doing everything republinut politicians do to scare people. And what better place to spread lies and misinformation than a mega-church.

He’s speaking the same line as those we see in republinut ads, such as Greg Abbott and his other pendejos. Unfortunately, it’s all “legal,” though it is quite unChristian. I hope his membership dwindles, but I doubt it. Even the Latinos in that church walk around with a dumb, glazed look of unquestioned loyalty to Ed Young. Loyalty to God is up for debate.

Thus far, I’ve only seen one response from the political world, and that’s my County Commish Lesley Briones. I guess all the other Dems are running for re-election.

Biden on the Border

I’m glad he finally visited. We’ve been wanting him to visit since, well, Obama was in office. And Obama only showed up for fundraisers in the RGV. Unfortunately, all talk is about border control without any talk about Dreamers or fixing the immigration system itself. You see, that’s the problem with the border. And when you start talking republican-lite about the border, the republicans win that part of the debate.

Now, I’m sure people will throw the latest stats that even show Democrats are willing to sell out the issue for a victory in November. I’ll just throw back that Democrats have dropped the ball by refusing to talk about this issue until the heat rised ever since Obama. What’s the solution? At this point, when even preachers are whining rather than offering any kind of calming effect, I don’t know. But the republicans are adding to the numbers of the heartless and mindless every day. Biden might as well go full MAGA and sign an executive order doing so. If we’re going to be awful, let’s go all the way, right?

The COVID Report

Looks like we are down to the 200s percentage wise in the poop water locally. Anecdotally, I’ve seen some folks announcing their infections, still. I’m on a month since my infection, and I’m told I get up to 90 days of immunity–maybe. So, I’m probably going in for a booster soon since I’m losing my immune system’s defenses sooner than later. Mask up! Stop COVID diving into crowds.

Thoughts on Viernes – 10272023

Republican Bigotry Continues

It should come as no surprise that Greg Abbott and a bigoted Texas House of Representatives passed three anti-migrant bills with no debate this week during the Special Session. What surprised me was that there was little push back in the media by Democrats and migrant advocacy groups as the bills were introduced and forced through. I guess they expected these bills to be railroaded, too. Like me. And the laws are expected to pass in the Texas Senate, too. And be signed by Abbott.

HB4 creates a state crime for migrants entering Texas starting at misdemeanor and that can be elevated to a felony. The law also allows police to take migrants to a port of entry and point a finger to the gate back across to Mexico.

HB6 pays $1.5 billion to Abbott supporting contractors to build a few miles of border barrier.

The House also passed SB4, which increases sentences to 10 years for smuggling or operating a stash house. Rapists and Murderers aren’t even offered a “minimum” sentence.

It’s all evil, which leaves me floored when office holders profess their love for those who practice it. Hopefully, there’s legal recourse in the courts, but I really have no hope for Texas at this point.

So Much For Safety

Greg Abbott’s COVID-denying base will love that they will not be required to get a COVID vaccine to keep their workplaces safe. That’s OK, it’s not like there’s been a huge rush to get the new COVID vaccine as only 7% of adults have gotten the latest one, thus far. What the fuck is wrong with people?

Anyway, this was on the bill, too:

Health care facilities would be allowed to require unvaccinated employees and contractors to wear protective gear, such as masks, or enact other “reasonable” measures to protect medically vulnerable patients.

Gee, thanks. Maybe they all need to wear masks since the vaccinated are still getting sick and are probably on their 3rd or 4th infection because they don’t mask. Pendejos.

Thank you, Ann Bennett

Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector Ann Bennett announced that she would not seek re-election in 2024. I’ve been a loyal supporter of Ann’s for a long time. She has run the office well beyond voter registration. At least that’s been my experience as a customer. So, I wish her well.

I do know of one announced candidate with whom some folks are coalescing and that’s Annette Ramirez. Ramirez is assistant general counsel at Aldine ISD in their property tax division, among other areas. We’ll see who else pops up for the open seat.


Texas sucks, as well as the Rangers. Go Diamondbacks!

Thoughts on Viernes – 08042023

Feliz August?

Abbott’s Border Policy Claims a Life

Greg Abbott has a lot of blood on his hands because his militarization of the Texas-Mexico border forces migrants to cross in dangerous areas as they try to avoid capture. It looks like Abbott’s latest ploy has claimed another life as a body was found tangled in Abbott’s buoys. Other deaths have been reported, including that of a Honduran boy.

Abbott denies the buoys caused the death, but there is no doubt that these barriers cause migrants to cross in other, more treacherous areas of the river. The buoys are doing what Abbott created them for: Stopping migrants, even if they are killed in the process. Abbott will continue to defend his policies because he’s a cold-blooded, horrible person.

State Representative Christina Morales put out an alert for Texans to contact government officials to demand a change in policy. Thanks, Rep.!

A&M Pays and Apologizes for “Mistake,” not Blatant Racism

Looks like Texas A&M wants to avoid more openness in discussing what caused the rescinding of Kathleen McElroy’s job offer. So, they issued an apology and a check that McElroy agreed to. And that’s fine. She deserves the money after wasting so much time and making plans for a move back to A&M. But the reason behind her losing this opportunity reeks of good ol’ boy, right-wing Texas bullshit.

A report shows the former Prez was involved.

The effort to promote conservative values at A&M extended beyond the journalism program, according to texts between Graham and Bagget.

“Kathy [Banks] told us multiple times the reason we were going to combine arts and sciences together was to control the liberal nature that those professors brought to campus,” Graham wrote. “This won’t happen with this kind of hire.”

Some regents were discussing McElroy, not on academics, but on political terms. Abbott Regent, Mike Hernandez, said it all with this statement discussing McElroy’s qualifications, even throwing UT under the bus.

 “The New York Times is one of the leading main stream media sources in our country. It is common knowledge that they are biased and progressive leaning. The same exact thing can be said about the university of Texas. Yet that is Dr. McElroy’s résumé in a nutshell.”

Of course, there’s that suspension of a professor for allegedly hurting Dan Patrick’s feelings.

As I keep saying, it will happen at more and more state universities as leaders and faculty alike are living in fear for their jobs and their research. All because a bunch of right-wing snowflakes get butthurt so easily. Frankly, I hope students get a lot more involved in this.

Kudos to the Trib for this exhaustive piece on the situation.

Warden Hiring Untrained Guards

Greg Abbott’s HISD puppet wants to hire uncertified, untrained people for all of those empty classroom positions this undemocratic takeover has created. I’m not surprised. This is a thing when districts fail to hire enough full-time, certified teachers, but Miles has gotten rid of some, too. Usually, it is subs that are hired. Filling the positions with untrained folks just fills the positions to show some effort, I guess. Unfortunately, this happens late in the game and there is little time to even do a short-term training. The drama continues and it is the kids who will be affected.

Thoughts on Viernes – 07082022

Migrant Deaths Beyond The Trailer in SA

I came upon a report on FB regarding the bodies of migrants being found in Eagle Pass/Maverick County during this last fiscal year. In fact, the number of deaths this year alone number around seventy. Deaths are caused by dehydration because of the South Texas heat as they trek through farm and ranch land, or from drowning in the Rio Grande. Back in May, a dozen migrants were found in this same sector. Migrant deaths in this sector account for almost a third of all deaths.

So, as Greg Abbott sics his National Guard on helpless migrants escaping violence and poverty in their home countries, migrants will seek more dangerous routes to get here. They certainly aren’t stopping or returning on their own. Along with Abbott’s bigoted policies, The Biden Administration and Congress’s lack of action on immigration reform are the cause of these deaths. US – Latin America policy which supports right-wing governments like the one in El Salvador is at fault for migrants attempting to come to the US in the first place.

We are told to “vote in the next election.” But we voted in 2020. We got a Democratic majority and a Democratic President who promised action. Give us something for which to vote in 2022!

COVID-19 Denial

It seems so many are still in denial that the spread of COVID-19 continues to rise. Houston Health reported we are at 28% positivity. Hospitalizations continue to rise. I see more people I know getting infected, and some, re-infected. I’ll venture to say that these numbers rise because people are out in crowds unmasked. While the vaccination rate in Houston remains steady at around 68%, the re-opening of Texas has sent people into a state of irresponsibility. If you’re skinny and well-insured (and well-informed), the vaccinations and boosters will be a help. But as long as local government isn’t sounding alarms to help inform people of the current reality, then the infection rate will rise. At this point, I’m disappointed in local officials, and not just because some of them got (re-)infected.

The rest of you all, MASK UP. It may be the one thing that keeps you from getting infected, as the vaccination only helps with the symptoms at this point.

But, here’s the thing: So many Republicans and wealthy people whined that working from home would affect productivity. But everyone was working and the work got done. Now, workplaces are seeing increases in COVID-19 positivity, and people are staying home sick and not working. THIS is what affects productivity; not working from home! Anyway, mask up!

Greg Abbott and The People’s Money

Abbott sure knows how to throw other people’s money around, whether it is tax dollars or the money of his donors. In the case of our money, he has thrown $4 billion at the Texas border in what has been one big photo opportunity for himself. He recently announced he was sending another $30 million for his bigoted Operation Lone Pendejo, in which he purports to fight migrants. The money usually goes to overtime for local cops and toys with big tires. And since it comes from federal and state money in the form of law enforcement grants, there usually is no accountability. One would figure that legislators and the feds would ask for a full accounting of it. Hopefully, the Justice Department investigation will tell us what we already know–it’s all a boondoggle and a waste of money. But I’m not even hopeful of that.

Thoughts on Viernes-Sabado Edition-42322

Abbott Policy Is Killing People

There is a Texas National Guard soldier missing in the Rio Grande after attempting to save a migrant who was crossing the treacherous river to the US. This is the latest tragedy caused by Greg Abbott’s border militarization, which has included migrant deaths, soldier suicides, government corruption, and failed administration of this policy.

There is no logic to Greg Abbott’s border folly. The National Guard (and DPS and local sheriff’s offices enlisted by Abbott) block the border, force migrants to cross in more dangerous crossings only to have to try and save the migrants from drowning. It’s all theater by Greg Abbott and Republicans while endangering even more migrants and guardsmen.

On top of all of this, it is also costly as Greg Abbott has wasted billions of dollars on this failed operation which hunts brown people escaping violence and poverty.

Meanwhile, Ken Paxton is now suing to stop the Biden administration from ending Title 42, which is a health-related policy and not a migration policy. Funny how they like this COVID policy but whine over masks and vaccines. If only we had a Democratic President and a Democratic majority in Washington DC to pass immigration reform and stop the theatrics. Oh wait!

State-Sponsored Killing Is Not The Answer to Crime

I’m not here to defend any killers. But I am here to say how wrong the death penalty is.

As we await Greg Abbott’s decision on whether or not he will commute the death sentence of an innocent woman (Melissa Lucio) railroaded by bad police and DA investigations, yesterday we witnessed the state’s first vengeful killing of the year (Carl Buntion). To say the least, I am sickened by the political theater of the death penalty, whether it is by blood-thirsty DAs and cops or politicians that feel the need to be begged to do the right thing as in the case of Melissa Lucio. What should be about justice turns into revenge porn for right-wingers.

As a reminder, here are ACLU’s objections to the death penalty, chief among them is that this cruel and unusual punishment is NOT a deterrent to crime and a waste of resources. But it is a great opportunity for law enforcement and political theater, while victims of crimes are used as props. And the media gladly promotes it. That people think the local “crime stopping” group is anything but partisan is laughable.

The death penalty is not a solution to crime and it certainly isn’t a road to closure for crime victims. And because of the political theater that comes with this punishment, overzealous DAs have been known to push for the execution of innocent people. Almost 200 humans have been killed by the government wrongfully. This isn’t justice and it is treated by politicians as collateral damage.

This thirst for revenge needs to stop.

Beto’s Right. Where’s Biden post-Title 42 Plan?

While many of us celebrate the demise of the Trump-era, yet Biden-continued, Title 42, there is no plan to address the needs of those being released by DHS after their asylum process has begun. And Beto O’Rourke is calling out the Biden administration for the lack of a plan.

The small towns on the border where the Border Patrol detention centers process migrants will be getting the brunt of the effects of this lack of a plan. While there are nonprofits and humanitarian groups which do most of the work, they will not have the resources to fully respond.

All that said, there is a lot more to the border than Title 42.

Greg Abbott’s policies of militarizing the border with the National Guard; his deputation and corrupt behavior of local cops and courts to terrorize migrants with arrests and trumped up charges while imprisoning them in state-run prisons; the dangerous chases on state roads by the Border Patrol, DPS, and local cops that continually cause deadly accidents; are a lot more dangerous than humans fleeing violence and poverty in their home countries.

What bad policies and lack of them at all levels have created is a front for human trafficking, more violence, and government corruption in our own country. Meanwhile, Congress and the Biden administration (and previous administrations) continually fail to create workable solutions to the asylum process and immigration, generally.

Instead, politicians and pundits get mad on camera at higher food prices because of Abbott’s inspections at the border as the cost of all this while at the same time defending and funding war policies and oil companies profiting from higher gas prices because of those war policies.

I’m just saying there is a lot to this border issue and even the whining seems to be coming piecemeal.

Thoughts on Viernes…01142022

Netflix Dumps Gentefied

One of the few good things on TV featuring a brown cast was dumped by Netflix. Gentefied featured a good storyline, well-developed characters, and good actors with my favorite city, LA, as the backdrop. I guess the good thing is that there was some sort of resolution to the show at the end of the 2nd season. What’s the reasoning for the slashing? Well, it didn’t appear in the Top 10 Netflix shows, so, I guess that was reason enough. Variety seems to defend Netflix by saying they are producing more shows with a Latin@ bent to it, including “I’m Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter” which will be directed and headed up by America Ferrera and others from the Gentefied team. So, yeah, it’s upsetting, but as long as brown actors keep getting employed in the future and more content is produced, I guess I can keep watching Netflix.

Judge Opens Up Challenges to Abbott’s Migrant Round-Up

A state district judge in Austin threw out the conviction of a migrant arrested by Greg Abbott and his thugs for trespassing. Abbott’s new initiative has thrown money at local law enforcement on the border to capture, jail, and prosecute migrants who are simply walking on private land while they escape poverty and violence in their home countries. These trumped up charges have closed down state prisons for use as misdemeanor lock-ups of over 2,000 men in Kinney County, wasting human resources and taxpayer funds. The case was challenged in Austin because Kinney County’s court system is slanted against migrants, with a corrupt judicial appointment system. The judge’s decision challenges the constitutionality of Abbott’s human warehousing program. No doubt, there will be more challenges to convictions of migrants who are being railroaded by Abbott.

Congress Wants to Investigate Abbott’s National Guard Deaths

Thirteen members of Congress have called for an investigation into the suicides within Greg Abbott’s National Guard and Abbott’s treatment of the National Guard as he uses them to add photo ops to his border boondoggle. There is a record of poor working conditions, delayed pay, and then the suicides which have put Greg Abbott in the spotlight, though, the problem is Abbott’s involvement in immigration issues in the first place. Abbott has put on a show for his bigoted base by putting up shipping containers to serve as a “wall,” he’s called up 10,000 National Guardsman from their otherwise private lives for photo ops and news conferences, and is wasting billions of dollars on a a few miles of “wall.” Seems to me he needs to be investigated for a lot more.

Voter Suppression is Real

New Voter ID requirements for mail-in ballots are the cause for hundreds of mail ballot applications being rejected for the March Primary. IDs are not matching up to information in voter databases, thus, cancelling out those applications. Republicans were warned that this would happen, but I guess it became more of an incentive to support it. The voter suppression is working.

Abbott Calls Criticism of His Border Waste “Politics”

Credit: Gay/AP

All those photo ops at the border, photos with Trump whining about the border, photos with National Guard members, photos in DPS choppers doing fly-overs of the border. Then there’s the billions of dollars wasted on this boondoggle with no transparency in sight, and the soldier suicides during this border folly. The criticism has piled up on Greg Abbott and it comes from Democrats and Republicans.

Abbott’s response, “It’s just politics.”

No, politics is blaming people escaping poverty and violence for the problems caused by Abbott’s own budget giveaways to the wealthy, thus making the Rio Grande Valley the most uninsured region in the state and still vulnerable to another freeze. Politics is looking away when local law enforcement is stealing money from undocumented people trying to find safety. Greg Abbott is all about politics and using his power to blame others for the purpose gaining the support of the bigots in society. But, we’ve known this. It’s just that it’s taken people too damn long to admit it for fear of losing “moderates,” instead of strengthening our base.

Thankfully, Democrat Beto O’Rourke has been speaking out a bit on Abbott’s border folly, especially demanding answers regarding Abbott’s mistreatment of the National Guard.

If Abbott truly cared about law enforcement (beyond using them for photo ops), he wouldn’t have sent 10,000 National Guard troops to the border while failing to pay them and slashing the benefits he promised them. He owes them answers.

Hopefully, he’ll call Abbott out on his border policies beyond the National Guard. Really, O’Rourke’s border pronouncements should be about ensuring human rights and access to services. The rest of the problem, such as asylum process and immigration reform is President Biden’s job, and O’Rourke can demand more from the White House.

Legislators from both sides of the aisle have also been calling out Abbott, but, they’re also the ones who fully funded the $3 billion Abbott demanded for this debacle without much questioning. They need to be paying attention before this crap happens, but they’re too preoccupied with passing something for their own districts. Welcome to the show, anyway, I guess.

Democrats have waited too long–years–to demand answers for Abbott’s border boondoggle. Abbott and his fellow bigots have done a good job of convincing border folks that all of the problems they face are the fault of people escaping poverty and violence. And Democrats have done little to combat this, even going along to get along with Abbott.

I hope that as O’Rourke calls out Abbott on these policies that those legislators calling him out back Beto up. Otherwise, all the complaints are just media-ops for themselves.

Greg Abbott Tries To Match Biden With Idiocy

While Biden’s Border thugs go merrily along with their long-time practices, Greg Abbott went for the stupid and idiotic with his “steel wall” idea to stop Haitians and other migrants from crossing into the US.

Yes, he is wasting tax dollars on lining up miles of DPS vehicles on the border. No, really.

Since they are cop cars, one has to wonder if the vehicles have the motor running at all times and who is getting the gasoline contract to keep them filled. Because where there is government waste, there is some donor getting a contract. One will recall that Abbott just approved $2 billion for him to spend on “the border” in anyway way pleases.

A reminder that the money certainly isn’t going to fix the electrical grid.

Abbott’s Border Boondoggle Continues

While Texas is on fire because of COVID-19 and Greg Abbott’s policies surrounding COVID-19, Abbott continues his border boondoggle, throwing money and resources at an issue which requires nuance and creativity to mitigate–mostly, at the federal level. Abbott has never been nuanced nor creative, he’s just wasteful and a monster.

The Texas Trib’s Uriel Garcia wrote a lengthy report about the various sides and various demands advocates and blamers are seeking from Greg Abbott.

The DPS officials told Pimentel that once Abbott’s order went into effect, troopers would constantly watch Catholic Charities’ shelter in McAllen, the largest in the area for migrants seeking asylum in the U.S., according to a brief the shelter filed in court as part of a federal lawsuit against the governor.

If troopers saw shelter employees and volunteers transporting migrants, they would pull over and impound the vehicle, the director told Avilés and Pimentel, the shelter’s executive director.

In the court documents, Pimentel said if the shelter couldn’t transport migrants to the nearby airport or a hotel, the shelter would become overcrowded — and increase the risk of COVID-19 if staff could not transport infected migrants to a hotel to be isolated.

“We would have to turn away mothers and babies who are seeking temporary shelter, food, and medical assistance,” she said. “If we cannot provide humanitarian aid, it is my understanding that these families would likely be left to their own devices on the street, without access to food, shelter and medical care.”

Yes, the DPS is Abbott’s gestapo, going door-to-door harrassing human rights groups who are simply helping migrants seeking asylum and escaping violence and poverty. Unfortunately, the Texas Lege has consistently funded his anti-immigrant campaigns of waste with little opposition from Lege Democrats, nor from progressive groups not related to migrant rights groups.

I guess it’s just one of those issues that liberals feel will inevitably pass, so why fight it?

Anyway, Abbott is still collecting for a gofundme wall, while local governments are waking up to the reality of Abbott’s priorities: It’s all about politics.

Hidalgo County Judge Richard Cortez, who has criticized both the Biden administration and Abbott for how they’ve handled immigration, said the governor’s approach gives a “false portrayal” that the problem is illegal immigration, when in reality, the problem is not having resources to help asylum-seeking migrants who are following a legal immigration process.

Cortez said a wall or more state troopers on the border wouldn’t stop migrants from seeking asylum. The Valley needs resources to help asylum-seekers be processed in a more humane and practical way, he said, rather than packing them into overcrowded shelters and the processing center at the Anzalduas Bridge.

Unfortunately, there wasn’t much lobbying for this at the Texas Capitol from county and local leaders. Again, instead of being proactive, they have fallen prey to Abbott’s reactionary politics, and have even joined the game of blaming migrants.

The reality is that half (probably more) of those crossing into the US are seeking asylum as families. The Trib has a good video showing some of this reality.

Meanwhile, the word is that Greg Abbott is wanting to open a second Texas state prison (TDCJ) that he is emptying out by transferring inmates to other prisons in South Texas for the purpose of jailing migrants who have allegedly trespassed on private land while trekking through South Texas. But the first jail is hardly filled.

Reminder: The inmates are arrested by Abbott’s gestapo, tried, and convicted of a misdemeanor with minimal due process, then jailed at a former state prison. By the time all of this is done, they have either done time served or completed their sentences. Once completed, they are kept in the prison until ICE picks them up, if they even decide to pick them up. Those that aren’t are released by Abbott. And then things like this happen.

Last month, Antonio fled Venezuela with his father to seek asylum in the United States, saying he feared violent political persecution. He ended up in a Texas prison for weeks, accused of trespassing on private property after crossing the U.S.-Mexico border in Del Rio.

The 18-year-old was one of the first arrested under Gov. Greg Abbott’s new “catch-and-jail” policy to lock up migrants on state criminal charges instead of referring them to federal authorities. He was also one of the first released, after prosecutors realized state police had, against orders, separated him from his father to make the arrest.

Once Antonio was out of the prison, it quickly became clear that local, state and federal officials had no idea what to do with him. Stuck in a bureaucratic limbo, he ended up at the home of his court-appointed defense attorney for days.

It gets worse.

“It really points to the fundamental problem with state law enforcement attempting to engage with immigration enforcement,” said Kate Huddleston, an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas. “What we see here is the state interfering in that process … that now makes it difficult for someone seeking asylum to go through the process as intended and move quickly out of the border region.”

Antonio was released from prison last week after Val Verde County’s misdemeanor-level prosecutor dropped the trespassing charge at his first court hearing because state troopers aren’t supposed to separate families under Abbott’s arrest orders.

But days later, Antonio was still trapped in Del Rio without a path to begin the asylum process or reunite with his father, who was awaiting his own asylum hearing in Florida.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which often takes immigrants from the state system to begin deportation proceedings, wasn’t interested in Antonio because he had no criminal conviction on his record, according to the county sheriff. And U.S. Customs and Border Protection, which processes asylum-seekers after they are apprehended at the border, declined to take on someone who’d already been in the state system. Neither federal agency responded to questions this week about Antonio.

Seriously, Abbott, DPS, local Barnie Fifes, nor the National Guard have no business doing immigration work–any of it. I hope Democrats who have returned to the Special Session will push back on Abbott when his Special Session demand for more border money is discussed.