Tag Archives: latino poll

Is Biden In Trouble In South Texas?

A news report on election night got my attention in which it was pointed out that in some South Texas counties, President Joe Biden was actually getting a challenge from Mando Perez-Serrato, one of his many challengers. Kuff has more on him and on this.

Perez-Serrato is one of the many no-name challengers for Biden. In most other states, most of them have been a blip, with Michigan’s “uncommitted” vote being a helluva lot more newsworthy. But the fact that Joe Biden got around 85% of the vote in Texas, a figure that meant some Democratic counties voted in lower percentages, had people asking what was up in South Texas, specifically.

Suffice it to say, it was Marianne Williamson who finished in 2nd place in Texas, with Perez-Serrato coming in 3rd. Should we be worried about counties in which Williamson did better than Perez-Serrato? Of course not! But here we are talking about South Texas.

So, in some South Texas counties, it was reported that Perez-Serrato was getting higher percentages of the vote, but most of those were small counties with him receiving less than 1,000 votes. In larger counties such as Cameron (1800+), Hidalgo (3000+), Webb (2500+), El Paso (1400+) he was getting the numbers that were being reported as “news.” In reality, he only earned over 27,000 votes statewide, with Dean Phillips just behind, but Williamson earned over 40,000. Obviously, these aren’t worrisome in the grand scheme, but in a very Latino South Texas, it is news because maybe the brown folk aren’t loving Biden these days as much as party faithful want.

Well, there are a few reasons to criticize the administration, among them immigration, whether it is about those seeking asylum coming in large numbers or the fact that there is still a broken immigration system that has gone ignored by Congress that is not able to address the needs of the entire system. South Texas is in the thick of it, especially the larger counties, which usually go Democratic. After some losses and close ones in some of these counties in 2020 for Biden, I’m sure the pundits are ready to pounce portraying this as a problem for Biden. Biden’s bigger problem in Texas is, well, Texas. It’s a non-voting state that could be Democratic with the right energy, but it still leans GOP and there are battleground states that will take up those kind of resources.

There are concerns about the numbers of migrants who are released while they go through the asylum process overburdening local services, which happens when people arrive hungry, tired, sick, etc. Some stay locally initially utilizing services of nonprofit groups until they hitch a ride elsewhere or are bussed/flown by Greg Abbott’s publicity stunt to Democratic cities. There are also concerns about Greg Abbott’s land grabs for military purposes in Maverick County. Whether for military camps, migrant jails, or walls, Abbott has been stealing land. And who’s fighting back on behalf of the people? Inaction from the administration and Congress and politicization by Republicans who feign wanting action has frustrated voters to no end in South Texas.

Add to this Republican lies connecting all migrants to crime and anything else that vilifies the foreign and a humanitarian issue becomes quite political, and solutions are avoided.

Bottom line, people in these counties aren’t happy with the situation because what puts them in the news is politics about immigration, rather than their needs for health care, better education, new infrastructure, and economic development that benefits all and not a few.

Perhaps these Dem Primary votes are a response to Biden. It is no surprise that the name they liked was Perez-Serrato, even if he is unknown and hasn’t promoted his stances. It was a primary election, and believe it or not, the local races were probably more important to them than the presidential in this case. When one feels they aren’t being heard in DC, people find ways to let them know. It’s a South Texas thing dictated by a long history where speaking up against those in power was/is frowned upon.

Should Biden be worried about Latinos? In my opinion, he should always be worried about Latinos in South Texas since there is much work to be done and too many issues that go ignored or deprioritized. Any lack of progress is easily exploited by Republicans (even though they cause it most of the time) as inaction–not that they would ever support any action.

As far as percentages go, a recent UnidosUS poll on Latino feelings toward Biden and issues priorities does give Biden a roadmap. Latino voter approval of Biden is at 47%, while 44% disapprove nationwide. Yet, Latinos still see Democrats as being more effective on the issues they deem priorities. Which means those among the disapproving can return when all issues are taken into consideration in comparison to Trump. While Latinos are more concerned about the cost of living, jobs, and health care, as always has been the case, immigration makes an appearance lower on the list. There is concern about the border, but the solutions they support are not draconian, like what is offered by Trump and the Republicans.

Two-thirds of Latinos support fixing the immigration system, while less than a third (30%) support draconian measures, such as mass deportation or “border security” measures promoted by Trump and Abbott. What those in charge should realize, as is stated in the article, is that while not high on the list, Latinos do look at the immigration issue as a means to gauge the feelings of both parties toward Latinos.

Republicans in Texas are now acting on those feelings by instituting racial profiling laws (SB4) and kangaroo courts to railroad migrants into the criminal system, after years of rhetoric and threats of doing as much. What is the Democratic response? Well, fighting against SB4 and Abbott’s floating balls has been a start. But not forcing the overall systemic issues into the public eye has been noticeable and equally exploited by the GOP. Again, not that they support anything that looks like a solution.

No doubt, Republicans are pushing the envelope with their messaging, as Greg Abbott proved during his challenge of GOP incumbents. And if there is enough of a chasm in the Latino electorate on immigration issues, such as the 30% noted above, much like the GOP used fear of losing oil field jobs in Texas because of Biden’s support of the environment in 2020, well, they will exploit this, too. Republicans don’t need a majority of Latinos to win, they just need enough. Unfortunately, Republican lunacy is helping increase those numbers the more Democrats fail to respond, whether in rhetoric or in policy.

But in South Texas, pocketbook issues and immigration sometimes go hand in hand, especially when towns like Eagle Pass and others border towns don’t have the resources to deal with such instant population growth. Local leaders can only do so much without added resources from the State and Federal governments. Abbott refuses to help, instead building walls, taking over parks, and building National Guard camps. And Biden needs Congressional approval for anything related to the issue.

Perhaps these votes, much like those voting for Williamson in other areas of the state, are just a protest. Or people wanting a choice. Again, it was a low turn-out presidential primary with no outlet for grievances other than the primary. As Kuff mentioned, perhaps reporters showing up to South Texas to ask the public would help find the reasons for not voting Biden. Perhaps a very targeted poll of Texas Latinos. One might find that loyalty is a two-way street. Still, good Democrats always return to the one who wins a Primary when taking all of the issues into consideration.

Biden and Democrats need to do a better job of promoting accomplishments and promoting what they are willing to fight for, rather than simply portraying themselves as “not Trump.” There’s nothing wrong with making comparisons regarding policies, but the case must be made for our side–no matter how obvious. Decades of frustration can wear people down.

Biden’s State of the Union last night was a pivotal start to this campaign and a master class on how Democrats should sell Biden, our issues, and the entire slate. Biden hitting on the pocketbook issues was masterful, leaving the Republican response a mere whining of all of the things they don’t want to do for Americans. The Democratic faithful need to follow Biden’s lead and be a free ad for Biden, rather than for el Cheeto pendejo.

Stop worrying about South Texas. But do sell what Democrats are about and the people will respond in kind.