Congratulations to Council Member-Elect Ed Gonzalez

Ed Gonzalez Victory Party (J. Ordaz)

Ed Gonzalez Victory Party (J. Ordaz)


Maverick Welsh 39%

First of all, congratulations to my friend and DosCentavos fan Ed Gonzalez on a decisive victory in the District H run-off.  Much credit goes to his Campaign chief (and another friend) Sandra Puente for running a very good GOTV campaign. Of course, congratulations also go to Ed’s wife Dr. Melissa Najera on her first campaign experience as a political spouse.  I think it’s easy to say that the next big campaign for Ed will be even more exciting!

Once an election is over, it’s over, right?  Well, let’s not over-analyze.  A combination of GOTV and perhaps some over-saturation of voters by way of direct mail may have played a role in each ones win and loss.  Fortunately, it did not affect turn-out.  For Welsh, I think it truly affected his support. His first-round showing was impressive, and the GOTV work done by the GLBT community was outstanding.  Sometimes, one just shouldn’t move away from the formula.  I wish Maverick the best and hope to see him on the trail again in the future.

While some pros and bloggers predicted an even more dismal turnout than the first round, predicted an increase.  Now, I didn’t predict by how much, but it’s an increase nonetheless.  So, allow me to do some glow-basking.

Meanwhile, I will not forget Ed’s work on our Sheriff’s campaign, but I will especially not forget when he approached me at the swearing in of our District Clerk Loren Jackson,  complimented DosCentavos and asked me to consider supporting him. It was pretty easy to make up my mind.

One response to “Congratulations to Council Member-Elect Ed Gonzalez

  1. Pingback: Gonzalez wins in District H – Off the Kuff