Tag Archives: texas progressive alliance

Los Blogs de Tejas – TPA Round-Up

The Texas Progressive Alliance is recovering from the Presidents Day sales madness as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff reports on how to help Democratic judges in Harris County who are defending against those bogus election contests.

SocraticGadfly has a Swiftian modest proposal for the PUC and its employee shortages and turnover: just hire some child workers! (He also notes our Lege is behind the ball here.)

Stace reports on what Americans United for Separation of Church and State found regarding the funders of the Super Bowl Jesus ads.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

The Austin Chronicle writes on the firing of Austin City Manager Spencer Cronk following that city’s power problems in the recent winter storm.

The TSTA Blog calls out the TEA official who was caught advocating for vouchers.

Reform Austin notes that the Texas Senate committee that is tasked with oversight of the power grid is still not sure how the PUC’s proposed reforms will help it.

Texas Monthly investigates the right wing transphobia campaign going on at the Lege.

Jef Rouner argues against taking away schoolkids’ cellphones.

Los Blogs de Tejas – TPA Round-Up

The Texas Progressive Alliance hopes everyone has their power back by now as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff took a look at the varying results in judicial races in Harris County in 2022.

SocraticGadfly, from up on the Red, for various reasons doubts the Lege will give people casinos or even a casino constitutional amendment vote.

After a short break, Stace returns with a spotlight on a couple of campaign announcements that give him some hope.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Texas 2036 wants to modernize our state’s child welfare system.

Jef Rouner wonders why some people defend celebrities with such vigor.

James Revels looks at the plague of police brutality through the lens of Black History Month.

Amanda Marcotte digs into the reasons why Republicans keep doubling down on anti-abortion rhetoric and strategy.

Houston Landing announced itself as a new non-profit news source.

Los Blogs de Tejas – TPA Round-Up

The Texas Progressive Alliance says that the only thing scarier than Halloween is not voting. Think about that while you read this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff notes the remarkable case of the Libertarian candidate for Attorney General endorsing Democratic candidate Rochelle Garza because he sees Ken Paxton as such a threat to freedom.

SocraticGadfly looks at the Congressional Progressive Caucus’ craven collapse to Biden and leadership on Ukraine, despite the fact that the majority of Americans say they want the US to lead the push for a negotiated solution.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Houstonia introduces you to the seven families behind some of Houston’s best-known restaurants.

Jef Rouner does not have a favorite conspiracy theory.

Your Local Epidemiologist reports on the triple threat of RSV, COVID, and the flu.

Texas 2036 reviews our performance on the National Report Card.

Texas Monthly says it’s OK to fear the robot dogs that I had previously had no idea about and thus hadn’t been worried about before now.

Los Blogs de Tejas – TPA Round-Up

The Texas Progressive Alliance exhorts everyone to go vote as they bring you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff interviews Rochelle Garza, who would be the best Attorney General the state has had since the 90s if elected.

SocraticGadfly has two strategery thoughts related to the midterms nationally, namely that neither inflation whataboutism of the Pelosi stripe, nor “But Republicans” (and the implied “Only Republicans” by Team Blue activists on entitlements privatization, are likely to work well with independent-minded independent voters.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

The Dallas Observer reports on the violence that Texas nurses are seeing at their workplaces.

The Houston Press lists ten MRA and incel red flags to look for. Texas 2036 explores the fear of losing access to water.

In the Pink Texas would like to have some words with undecided voters.

Paradise in Hell shakes his head at the DNA kit rollout in Texas elementary schools.

Los Blogs de Tejas – TPA Round-Up

The Texas Progressive Alliance has three cheers for a jury in Connecticut along with its weekly roundup.

Off the Kuff re-posts interviews with Janet Dudding, candidate for Comptroller, and Jay Kleberg, candidate for Land Commissioner.

SocraticGadfly offers his thoughts on what’s next for Tulsi Gabbard.


And here are some posts from other Texas blogs.

Texas Monthly interviews Secretary of State John Scott and tries to get him to understand why there are so many crazy people shouting about bogus election conspiracies.

Reform Austin reviews the 31 anti-Greg Abbott videos produced by Oscar-nominated director Richard Linklater.

The Texas Signal takes issue with the Houston Chronicle’s endorsement of Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo’s opponent.

Grits for Breakfast presents the incredible history of the Texas prison system baseball league.

The Bloggess grapples with the thumbs up emoji.

Los Blogs de Tejas – TPA Round-Up

The Texas Progressive Alliance is ready for some MLB playoffs as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff published interviews with Susan Hays, Democratic candidate for Ag Commissioner, and Luke Warford, Democratic candidate for Railroad Commissioner.

SocraticGadfly says that a certain strain of environmentalists should stop trying to push nuclear as part of the solution to the climate crisis.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Texas 2036 published its fifth Texas Voter Poll to assess general attitudes about the state.

Paradise in Hell does another fine job translating Donald Trump.

The Texas Signal recaps the Ken Paxton Scandal catalog.

The TSTA Blog scorns the imposters who pretend to be addressing public safety and school security.

The Dallas Observer finds a new reason why millennials love craft beer.

Los Blogs de Tejas – TPA Round-Up

The Texas Progressive Alliance wishes all obstacles could be batted aside with a NASA satellite as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff follows up his mockery of Ken Paxton with a note about what Paxton was really running from and why it mattered.

SocraticGadfly talks about Judge Pitman screwing over third-party candidates in Texas.

Stace reminds us that Greg Abbott’s border sideshow continues to cause death and waste.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Houstonia reports on Houston’s Afro-Latino Garifuna community and how it’s keeping its culture alive.

Melissa Fletcher Stoeltje remembers the impact of legal abortion with no regrets.

The Dallas Observer finds your new favorite subreddit.

In The Pink Texas goes back to her roots by recasting a political saga as a rom-com.

Your Local Epidemiologist brings a fall bivalent booster update.

Michael Li explains the Alabama redistricting case now before SCOTUS and its possible implications for the Voting Rights Act.

Los Blogs de Tejas – TPA Round-Up

The Texas Progressive Alliance stands with the people of Ukraine as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff published interviews with Democratic Congressional candidates Robin Fulford and Laura Jones.

SocraticGadfly talks about “vaccine losers” as the new “bivalent” boosters roll out.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Steve Vladeck explains why the appellate court ruling about top secret documents found at Mar-a-Lago was so devastating to Trump.

Amanda Marcotte analyzes how fascists recruit high school and college boys by appealing to their sexual insecurities.

Mark Pitcavage talks sovereign citizens and their use of harassing liens.

The Texas Jail Project would like you to know that the most commonly arrested charge resulting in cash bail is Possession Less Than a Gram.

Keri Blakinger tells a Texas prisoner’s story of incompetence and brutality after a high-profile escape.

The Bloggess gives her perspective as an indie book ship owner of the book banning hysteria.

Los Blogs de Tejas – TPA Round-Up

The Texas Progressive Alliance stands with the people of Ukraine as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff” has another poll to dig into.

SocraticGadfly offers up a number of thoughts on the death of Ken Starr.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Reform Austin would like to dial down the rhetoric about which cities are “dangerous”.

The Texas Signal lists all the ways that having a Democratic Attorney General would make things better.

In The Pink Texas is ready to start reading all of Matt Krause’s banned books.

Melissa Fletcher Stoeltje counts the ways that Texas fails its kids.

Jessica Shortall resorted to quoting Sid Miller to rebut Greg Abbott’s nonsense about the border.

Amanda Marcotte explores the deeply racist roots of shipping migrants to other states under false pretenses.

Los Blogs de Tejas – TPA Round-Up

The Texas Progressive Alliance hummed a few bars of “God Save The Queen” as we compiled this week’s roundup. (Stace begs to differ. He was humming Mexico Lindo y Querido.)

Off the Kuff analyzes the latest poll of Texas and Harris County.

SocraticGadfly said Beto O’Rourke needs to fire himself as chief campaign strategist.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Texas 2036 warns that the water crisis in Jackson, Mississippi, could happen here.

The Texas Living Waters Project released a study showing how much water we lose in this state due to old infrastructure.

Texas Monthly gives a fond final farewell to Paul Burka.

The Texas Signal reports on the first day of school in Uvalde.

The TSTA Blog argues that it’s the disrespect for democracy that disqualifies so many Texas Republicans from holding office.

The Dallas Observer notes the Cards Against Humanity protest against anti-abortion laws.