Martinez Fischer’s Take: Riddle Retreats

After a successful debate against Tomball’s Debbie Riddle, State Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer has released his comments and response.

“When it comes to revisionist history—I thought the State Board of Education was as good as it got. Now, it appears I need to tip my hat to Representative Riddle.

Changing her story yet again, she has released a silly OpEd claiming that I never read her legislation. Funny thing is, I haven’t. No one has. As she told Scott Braddock and all of his listeners‐‐ she hasn’t even finished the legislation:

‘Yes, I have my bill and I am working on it—it’s still kind of a work in progress. But it’s about border security.’

It really must be some work in progress, Debbie. You went from proclaiming your intention to file legislation similar to Arizona’s SB 1070 to the Houston Chronicle on April 28th to now telling Braddock:

‘The bill that I am working on I did introduce one and it is and it’s not like, it’s only about a page and a half, it’s really not identical nor is it even I would even call similar to the Arizona bill.’

So, I guess you’re in full retreat mode now that you’ve realized that everyone from the Governor to your own Republican Caucus disagrees with you: Arizona style legislation has no business in Texas and time and time again, you are seeing that the people of Texas prefer to lead and not follow.

But a word to the wise, Debbie. Having the most Google Alerts doesn’t equal a good legislator and it certainly doesn’t equal good policy—and if you intend to file yet another version of last session’s HB 49, as you alluded to in the debate, I can tell you this—I’ll be happy to see that it meets the same fate. A quick death in committee.”

A great exhibition of leadership by the State Rep.

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